《 22 》

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It's been about four weeks and I haven't seen Gavin since my birthday. His was never home, but I've noticed more and more of his clothes have been missing. Even at work, he avoids me at all cost. 

I wanted to be angry at him, I really did. But all I could think was about what I did wrong to make him leave. What did I do that night that made him leave? If I thought about it too much, it felt like my chest was gonna crush me from how heavy it was. If I didn't think about it at all, I just felt numb. 

What a vicious cycle.

We had just finished up a Minecraft Let's Play and the whole time the guys were asking and joking around about how quiet I was being. I simply blamed it on being tired and laughed along with them, but I could tell by the way Michael was looking at me, he knew I was lying. 

I carefully place Geoff's headphones back onto his desk when a tap on my shoulder snapped me out of my focus. I look up and see Michael, giving me a suspicious look. I give him a smile, but he grabs my arm and leads me out of the office. We walk out and he quietly shuts the door behind us, hoping not to make scene.

"What do you need Michael?" I ask and he simply narrows his eyes at me, silence engulfing us as he continues to stare.

"What are you doing?" I ask, furrowing my eyebrows at him. 

"Trying to figure out whether or not this is the real Cassidy." He says, making me roll my eyes.

"Seriously Cas, what is up with you? You're not yourself." He comments, gesturing over to me and I simply shrug.

"I don't even know, this whole Gavin thing . . it just, really messed me up." I admit, running a hand through my hair as he gives me a sympathetic look.

"Maybe you should go talk to him about it." He offers and I widen my eyes at him before shaking my head.

"Nope, I'm good." I state, trying to push past him to the office, but he grabs my arm before I could go. 

"I'm serious Cassidy, go and talk to him. It'll clear things up hopefully." He says and I bite my lip as I think.

Maybe it will, maybe this is all just one big misunderstanding.

"Fine, I'll go and talk with him." I grumble under my breath, making him smile.

"You should go do it now, he's probably getting ready for lunch soon." He says and I merely nod before making my way down the hall.

I guide my way through the office, lost in thought of all the ways of how this could go terribly wrong, before finding myself staring down his door. I stand there for a second, thinking about just going to Lindsay's office instead and just telling Michael I went to see Gavin instead. I sigh, shaking my head slightly before swallowing my pride and knocking on the door.

"Come in!" He calls out from inside and I take in a sharp breath before turning the door knob with a shaky hand. 

He was facing his computer, a hunch in his back as he read something on the screen. I close the door behind me and only then did he turn around to see who it was. His eyes grew wide for a moment, his ears growing red as I gave him a small smile.

"H-Hey Gavin." I say, mentally cursing myself for stuttering.

"Hey Cassidy, what do you need?" He asks, a small pang in my chest as he used Cassidy instead of 'love'.

"Could we talk? About, you know, what happened?" I ask, anxiously rubbing my hands together as he rubs the back of his neck. 

"Look Cassidy, I-" "You don't have to explain, just, why did you leave?" I ask quickly, cutting him off and he huffs.

"Look, I was drunk. It's as simple as that." He says, rubbing his palms onto he pants as my eyebrows furrow. 

"But, you said-" "I was lying Cassidy, I took the Uber there from Geoff's house after I raided his liquor cabinet." He explain and I feel my face burn red.

"So," I swallow harshly "do you remember anything then?" I ask, biting the inside of my lip. He looks away for a moment, as if he thinking back to that night.

"Honestly, only bits and pieces." He says, giving me a sympathetic look as my chest grows heavy.

"It was just a fluke Cassidy, a one nightstand.  Nothing more then that." He states, his words feeling like a sucker punch  the stomach. It goes silent between the both of us as I try and decipher my thoughts before he clears his throat.

"I guess I'll see you late." He shrugs slightly and I simply nod, turning on my heel and walking out of his office as fact as I could.

As I'm making my way back to the Achievement Hunter office, trying to go unnoticed, I end up completely bump into someone.

"Oh God, I'm so sorry I-Meg?" I ask, stepping away as she looks up at me with a big smile.

"Oh my God hey! How are you?" She asks excitedly, giving me a giant bear hug. I hesitate before wrapping my arms around her. 

"Good, what are you doing here?" I ask with a forced smile as we pull away.

"I'm going out to lunch with Gavin today." She smiles back and yet again, another punch to the stomach. 

"Oh, cool. Well, I'll see you later." I say quickly before brushing past her as tears well up in my eyes.

By the time I had got to the Achievement Hunter office, tears were streaming down my face and I didn't bother wiping them away as I walked in. Luckily, the guys were all distracted playing whatever games by themselves. I walk over and snatch my keys off of Geoff's desk as Michael slowly slips his headphones off.

"I'm taking my lunch break." I sniffle, my voice cracking slightly as I walk out.

I went out the back entrance, finding my car among many others in the parking before unlocking it. I quickly slip into the drivers seat, slamming my door shut before jamming the keys into the ignition, sobbing as I pull out of the parking lot.


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