《 19 》

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Soon after the girls night, the guys had come back from Let's Play Live. By this time, I was still trying to figure out if I was more mad or just upset about the whole situation. He was never mine, hell, he probably didn't even like me. But I couldn't think about him before the picture rolls back into my thoughts and I just wants to punch his big fucking nose. 

Michael's driving Gavin home from the airport, knowing he owes me after sending that picture to Lindsay. Right now, I'm watching the rest of my show in the living room, hoping that it would hurry up and finish by the time Michael got here.

Twenty minutes later I realize I underestimated how long it took to get to the apartment from the airport when I heard the jangle of keys outside the front door. 

"Shit." I mumble under my breath, quickly turning down the TV. 

Knowing I didn't have enough time to run into my room without being seen by him, I just sat there, scrolling through my phone. The front door opens and my heart starts to race

No, stop, you're mad at him.

After a yawn and the thud of his suitcase dropping to the floor, the front door finally closed shut. I could hear him shuffling around until his head eventually pops up into the corner of my eye 

"Hello love." He sighs happily, walking over to where I was sitting.

"Hey." I say, forcing a smile on my face as I look up at him. His eyebrows furrow slightly as he looks down at me.

"Where's my welcome back hug?" He pouts, slowly opening his arms and I roll my eyes.

His smile widens as I stand up from my seat, he wraps his arms around my waist as I wrap my around his neck. I snuggle my head into his neck slightly, my heart aching as I take in familiar scent, knowing some other girl has done the same.

Tears brim my eyes as he tightens his grip on my waist, but I quickly blink them away as we begin to pull away from each other.

"Were you lonely without me?" He asks, a smirk dancing on his lips and I laugh quietly.

"Oh yeah, so lonely." I say, my voice cracking in the end.

"Are you alright, love?" He asks, furrowing his eyebrows in concern as I quickly clear my throat. 

"Yeah! I-I just have a bit of a cold." I say, waving it off as I avert my eyes to the floor, but he lifts my chin up. His eyes scan my face, a look of worry plastered across his face.

"Awe, I'm sorry love. I can go and make you some tea if-" "No, that's alright. I'm just gonna go and take a nap." I say, gently pulling my face away form his hand.

I grip my phone tightly as I brush past him towards my room, biting back the sob that was building up in my throat.

"I'll be here if you need anything!" He calls out and I simply nod, giving him a small smile before continuing my journey.

I pull open my bedroom door and quickly walk in before shutting the door behind me. Once again, tears brim my eyes, blurring my vision. 

I didn't bother wiping away the tears that began to stream down my cheeks as I collapse onto my bed, holding my pillow close to my chest. It was easier to be mad at him in theory, but now that he's back . . 

This was gonna be a lot harder then I thought.

¤ ¤ ¤  

A few weeks go by and I've been able to go from upset to angry. I've tried my best to completely ignore him, unless were doing a video or podcast. Then I take my chances and use what I could to make fun of him, which usually turned into small little arguments.

Almost immediately, he noticed that something was off about me, but whenever he asked about it I simply waved it off, telling him it was all in his head. Lindsay and Mica have even been helping me pick out my outfits, hoping to get his attention a bit more often. Some might say that's going a bit over-board . . Oh well.

"Let's stop!" Jeremy yells, the six of us automatically turning off our recordings.

"It is good to be back." Michael sighs, sliding his headphones onto his neck. 

"Yeah, you can't leave again. Do you know how bored I was?" I say, making both him and Jeremy laugh. 

"I'm sure the apartment isn't as boring with Gavin being back." Jack comments and I see Gavin out of the corner of my eye look up at me from his phone. 

"Eh, sure." I shrug, watching Ryan visibly cringe across from me.

"Oh Gav, I feel bad for you . . " He says and all of us laugh, except Gavin. I slip my headphones off before standing up, stretching a little.

"I'll be back, do you guys want anything from the kitchen?" I ask and I watch five head shake, making me shrug.

I walk out of the Achievement Hunter office and make my way to the kitchen, contemplating what I want. I stroll into the kitchen, pulling open the fridge and grabbing a Red Bull in the far corner. I grab the can and hear someone walk up behind me, making me turn around to see Gavin standing behind me.

"Jesus Christ man." I say, chuckling slightly but he didn't laugh, didn't even crack smile.

"I asked you if you wanted-" "What did I do?" He asks, annoyance laced in his voice as he cut me off.

"What do you mean?" I ask, a slight smirk on my lips. 

He scoffs, looking down at me before roughly grabbing my wrist and pulling me out of the kitchen. I struggle under his grasp as he drags me towards his office, getting many looks from our fellow employees. He pushes the door open and pulls me in before shutting and locking the door shit behind us.

"What the fuck Gavin?" I yell, ripping my wrist out of his grasp.

"You wont talk to me like a normal person, so we've gone to extreme levels." He says simply, crossing his arms over his chest. 

"I'm not doing this today." I scoff, trying to walk past him to the door, but he steps out in front of me. 

"You're not leaving to we settle this and talk." He says sternly, making my blood begin to boil.

"There's nothing to be settled Gavin! Just leave it alone would you?" I snap, clenching my fists tightly. 

"Are you on you're period or something?" He asks bluntly, making me laugh bitterly.

"Oh yeah, because that's my problem." I scoff, crossing my arms over my chest.

"Well, why else would you be acting like such a bitch for now reason." He says in a matter-of-fact tone and my mouth drops slightly.

"Are you kidding me?" I ask him, surprised the words even came out of his mouth and he merely shrugs.

"You're a fucking piece of shit, get you're own ride home tonight." I spit, shoving past him towards the door. I unlock the door and pull it open, not being able to stop the words from flowing out of my mouth.

"Oh yeah, I never got to ask you." I start, turning back around to face him. 

"How was that one night stand? She looked pretty, I couldn't really tell though because she was eating your face." I snap before turning on my heel and storming out of his office.

《 A/N 》

i may or may not have accidentally started the ryan book........but it shall nt come out until this book is over! (unless you guys want a different member that's chill too).


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