Final Words

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    It is October 15th, 2022 at 10:03 PM, exactly 627 days since my last update. In a little over a year and half later, numerous historical, life altering, and mind blowing events have happened in our world. And although most of us are affected by these events; we manage to overcome and adapt to our changing society day in and day out.

    When making the decision about JRH, I had every good intention to completely wipe the dust off these books and start anew. As I am writing this, there's an urge to start again. I even have the first couple chapters of 'Something Perfect' drafted and completed within a Word document, waiting to make their debut. But I cannot bring myself to it. Times have changed. I have changed. And Rooster Teeth as a company has changed. To those of you who are reading this and don't know what I am talking about: It has come to light several distraught things RT has done to their current and past employees (abuse, negligence, blatant racism, and homophobia to name a few). This isn't the company I have supported and loved as a middle schooler to now adult. And I refuse to endorse in such things now knowing the truth. It's why I'm here, writing this last update, to say goodbye.

    Although I couldn't have known this would happen, the only emotion that accurately displays how I'm feeling is naive. I've created such a false image of these people whom I have never even met. Wrote multiple books of what I only could have imagined it would be like to work with and befriend them. It's the first time I've felt stupid for writing these books, and the first since creating them that I've thought to myself 'I don't think I can ever write these books again'. But I don't regret the opportunity and experience I had to be able to write these books. Thousands of people have read my books, commented on the joy it brought them, DM'ed me about the upcoming chapters and asking for advice on their own writing journeys. I have experienced something I may never undergo again and have made a life time best friend because of these books. And I don't regret that for a second.

    In an odd way, I'm grateful that RT has been exposed. Not only for the victims of it's tyranny to get the justice and closure they deserve, but also for me to form an end to this era. I'm not letting no one, or thing, or scandal do it for me. I'm ending this on my terms, with final words to a community that I have loved and cherished, and has brought me joy and pleasure when I needed it most in life. So, thank you. Thank you to every person who has come across this book, who has hung onto to every chapter, who has loved it on days that I couldn't even bear it. Thank you to those who would comment their encouragements, their excitement, and know that it kept me going a lot longer than I ever thought I would. Thank you to whoever is here, actually taking the time to read this. I know the fandom on this app died out a long time ago, but it was a pleasure to be here while it lasted and to know that you are still here and interested, even if it's a goodbye.

    And a special thank you to the best friend I would have never made if I hadn't started these books, Amanda. Thank you for listening to every nonsense idea. For proof reading chapters I couldn't bear to reread. For late night writing FaceTimes. For doing this with me every step of the way, even in the end.

Thank you.
- Rebekah
2014 - 2022

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