"Thank god we're only in for two hours today," William sighed and waved at some of his friends.

"You can go talk to them," Jacob mumbled. "I know where my lesson is."

"Are you sure?" William questioned. "I don't mind being with you."

"It's fine," he said quietly before pushing the glass door open and entering college.

William hesitation but decided to go see his friend. It wouldn't help his brother if he kept babying him.

Jacob kept his head down and walked towards the stairs. He thought about going to that field after college and maybe getting some revision done. He was behind with his work but only by a little bit.

"Don't go there. It's not safe for humans."

Jacob frowned and turned a corner.

"Why wouldn't it be safe for humans? It's just a field."

"To you, maybe it is, but it's not just a field."

Jacob's frown stayed with him until he approached a busy corridor that was full of students. He leant against the wall and crossed his arms, hoping that the next two hours would go by quickly.

As he zoned out, Hunter, Sam and Brad walked down the corridor. They stopped when they saw how busy it was.

"Is it bad that I'd rather work for my dad than be here?" Sam sighed and slouched against the wall while Hunter's sharp eyes scanned through the students. And of course, his eyes found Jacob, his mate.

The first thing he saw was the glum expression on his face before noticing how good he looked in his jeans. He leant against the wall too and stared like Jacob was the only other person in the corridor. It was beginning to take all of his strength not to walk up to the boy and hug him.

"Hunter, you're staring," Sam whispered. He could tell on his Alpha's face that today was going to be hard.

"Do you think I care?" Hunter muttered but Brad stepped in front of him, blocking his view.

"Are we having a pack meeting tonight?" he asked.

Hunter examined his dirty blonde hair and his cold green eyes.

"Yes, and you're not invited," he said through gritted teeth. "Now move."

"What?" Brad frowned. "You can't just not invite me, I'm-"

"You're what?" Hunter snapped but kept his voice down so he didn't draw attention. "Don't talk down to me again."

Brad clenched his jaw but stayed quiet. He didn't want to remain on his Alpha's bad side.

Before the tension could heat up, the door to the classroom opened and students started entering. Hunter's eyes stayed on Jacob who kept his head down and followed everyone else. He really wanted to sit next to him but he wouldn't have made it to him without pushing through people.

Brad glared at Jacob behind Hunter's back and Sam jabbed him in the ribs with his elbow.

When they entered the room, they headed to the back. Hunter even looked to see if there was space next to Jacob. He was quickly disappointed. They don't have lessons together often but he liked Wednesday because he could watch his mate for a solid two hours.

"I want him so bad," Hunter grumbled and longingly stared at his mate from across the room.

"Just relax Alpha," Sam whispered so nobody could hear, "he can't know yet."

"I know," Hunter mumbled but his feelings were growing stronger with each passing day for his fellow classmate, Jacob Jones.

* * * * *

There were only a few minutes left of the lesson but the tutor made sure she dragged it out until the last second.

Hunter hadn't listened through any of it. He didn't even know what it was about, he just knew his mate was there and that's all he cared about.

Jacob was hunched over his notepad, trying to take notes. He had a deep frown of concentration that Hunter thought was quite adorable. He especially loved how Jacob would bite his bottom lip when he was confused.

Sam glanced at Hunter's empty page and rolled his eyes. He shares notes with him every Wednesday because there's no distracting him from Jacob.

The Beta wolf hoped that one day he'd find a soulmate but he's not an alpha so it's not compulsory that it happens to him. It wasn't stopping his hopes from soaring high, though. He had to have faith that he'd share the magical connection with another person.

Suddenly, Hunter tensed and gripped the side of the desk in a desperate attempt to keep back his emotion. His eyes grew wide and his heart thumped against in his chest. He held his breath, trying to quickly calm himself.

Hunter felt like his insides were tangling around his heart. It hit him so strong that he nearly yelped in front of everyone.

  Sam and Brad both made eye contact.  

Jacob had lifted his head and discretely rested a hand on his chest. He felt like he had a burst of heartburn or something similar. He reached into his bag for his water but the teacher announced that the lesson was finally over and everyone started packing their things away.

Jacob zipped his bag up and climbed out of his chair. He slung it over his shoulder but rubbed his chest in discomfort. It started to ache.

Hunter, Sam, and Brad stood up with everyone else. Hunter's eyes were glued to his mate. There was no way he would let him out of his sight, not now.

"You alright?" Sam whispered and watched everyone leave and chat with their friends.

"No," Hunter breathed.

Brad followed his intense stare and sighed when it poured over Jacob.

"What's wrong? Is it the-"

Hunter interrupted him by grabbing the scruff of his t-shirt.

"We need to follow Jacob," he said through gritted teeth. "It's time."

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