"Jesus Christ, why are vampires so fast!?", I muttered underneath my breath. 

After a while of running and bumping into some students, he stopped, making me bump into him. Almost making us both fall to the ground, but he held onto me.

I saw some people waving us over from a table full of boys. I could recognise Ludwig, Gilbert and Kiku from them all. But for the rest, no one.

"Ve~ We're here!", Feliciano yelled as he dragged me towards the group of boys. Soon enough, we made it in front of the table and Feliciano motioned for me to sit down as he sat right next to me.

"Ciao! This is the witch!", he said with a happy tone. A couple of greetings were thrown my way.

"You already know Ludwig and Kiku, right?", I nodded to his question.

"He also met zhe awesome me!", I heard Gilbert say with the most annoying voice.

"Ve~ Meet mio fratello and Antonio!", he said as pointed towards the two guys sitting over me. 

"Holla! I'm Antonio Carriedo Fernandez!", he introduced, I narrowed my eyes at the long name he had. 

"...Lovino Vargas, don't you dare give me a nickname.", 'Lovino' said, coldly. 

"Nice to meet you, Antonio and Lovihoe~.", I said with a smirk plastered on my face. 

"What did you just call me!?", Lovino roared at me.

"Is there something wrong with your ears, Lovihoe?", I teased. He stood up and was about to pounce on me, but Antonio held him back.

"Ve~ That's not really nice of you, witch...", Feliciano said with a sad look.

I sighed and said, "Fine, fine....Lovino it is then."

"Tsk, better.", Lovino said as he sat back down.

"So~ What's your name, chico?", Antonio asked me with a bright smile. He seemed like the overly happy guy, just like Feliciano.

"None of your business.", I told him, sassily.

"What? So you wanted us to give you our names, but you don't want to give us yours? Fucking perfect.", Lovino said, sarcastically while giving me a glare.

"I never asked for your names." I retorted as I crossed my arms.

"You know what!? Fuck you!", and with that, he stood up and left.

"You should apologise, witch-san.", Kiku told me with the others agreeing. I sighed and stood up, following after the running Italian.


After a while, I found myself in a forest with no Lovino in sight. I looked around and noticed that the trees were enormous but beautiful. I decided to use some magic to find him, or else I'd be searching for hours.

"ehhslhegskgfkefff.", I said as the spell showed me the path to Lovino. (A/n: I know nothing about spells or what you say when you do it, so just act like you said something epic.)

I started following the path and soon enough found myself climbing a mountain. If I were to fall, I'd definitely be dead...At least if I didn't use a spell in time. 

"Lovino? Is your dumb ass here?", I yelled. No answer.

Soon enough, I made it on top of the mountain. There was a rock, a huge one. And if my spell was right, then Lovino should be behind it. I climbed on top of the rock, planning to scare the living daylight out of Lovino. As I sat on top of it and looked down, I saw Lovino calmly looking off the mountain with a relaxed look on his face. He didn't seem to have noticed me yet, to my relief.

Vampire!Hetalia x Witch!Male!Reader x Werewolf!2p!Hetalia AU -Witch's life-Where stories live. Discover now