The First Death

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It was idiotic that Vincent started war on us. I was currently fighting through his first line of defence with my magic, shaped like a scythe. Suddenly Ash came at me and blocked me with her weapon. I gasped as I felt blood magic oozed into it.

Mari: your a Elemental that uses blood to create things.
Ash: Of course Marionette!

Ash pushed me back but I used my scythe to stop myself. I felt another one running at me from behind so I used my Element to jump above their heads. I saw another girl with blonde hair with brown tips, streaked with blue, green eyes with black glasses, pale skin with long nails.

Ash: Finally Jena! What took you so long?!

I quickly turned invisible as Jena spoke.

Jena: Her little Brat is quite strong, though at least his sister is on our side.

I attacked Ash and Jena, knocking them out with a little regret. I found Una but she was trying to control Calisto.

Mari: you will NOT hurt my son, Una.

Una turned around to meet my fist. Cal shone his head and saw me with a dark look in my eyes.

Cal: Mu-MUM HELP?!

I looked at him, seeing him being dragged away by his sister, Twilight.

Mari: Twilight Magicae Master drop Calisto right now?!

She jeered at me as she summoned her magic. She created a ghost version of my scythe and sliced my neck. I held my neck, feeling myself heal.

Mari: Try again.

But she went at me again, this time dodging her. I stared at her through my cloth. I knocked her out. Suddenly I felt someone push me out of the way. I looked up to see Lismo with a blade in his side, Twilights ghost blade. I started to heal him but he held my hand.

Lismo: T-take c-care o-of c-cry-crystal f-for... m-me...

His eyes glazed over and he fell limp in my arms.


Everyone froze and back away as I fell completely numb to everything. My brother saved me, but took the blade that killed him. The only thing I felt through my numbness was Justice. Justice for the mastermind, Vincent.

So the battle raged one wards, as the brother of darkness leaves a huge hole in his sisters heart.

The Elemental War (Sequel of The Elementals) (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now