Years Later....

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"Mamma! Mamma!" I blinked my eyes before getting a small hug from Yona. I gasped before picking her up and putting her on my lap. My little 7 year old girl, with her bright purple pigtails and purple eyes. I smirked before rubbing our noses together, giggling with her. "What is it my child?"  I closed-eye smile, softly caressing her cheeks. "Daddy's being mean!" My smile froze in place with a tick mark appearing on the side of my forehead. This again huh? "EDWARD DON'T! " I suddenly once again got pounced into a hug by my 15 year old Edward. He's a big shot, just like his dad, and a flirt. He got brown hair and purple eyes, which shocked us a bit but then we learned he got that from Sinbad's mother. I looked up, seeing Sinbad panting with sweat dripping down his forehead. Sinbad looked at my face then at the kids. He gulped, chuckling nervously. "H-Hey love!" The kids glared at Sinbad. I sighed before looking up at Edward since he was standing. "What happened this time Edward?"  I asked, my eyebrow starting to twitch. Edward grinned. "Dad has pictures of you naked." My face flushed red as he showed me the pictures and as I covered Yona's eyes. I snatched the photos from Edward and ripped them up, hearing Sinbad cry silently.  I sighed and kissed Edwards forehead, watching Sinbad sulk behind a pillar. I handed Yona to Edward. "Please watch her real quick.." Edward nodded before running around with Yona, playing with her around the fountain. I chuckled before walking towards Sin, my blue dress dragging across the ground. I sighed before crouching down in front of him. "Where did you hid it this time sweetie?" Sinbad scratched the back of his neck, red hinting of his cheeks. "In the desk..." I giggled, silly goof. I kissed his cheeks and looked at him in a loving way. "You dork.." Suddenly a blast of purple flames flew across us, catcing our eye. THE KIDS! I quickly rushed out from behind the pillar, looking up at a strange black djinn, it looked weak. I quickly grabbed my sword from my back leather holdster on my thigh. "SIN!" I shouted for Sinbad's help. "On it!Bararaq!" I was shot in the air with Sinbad's blue lighting and using that to my advantage. "Bararaq Valfola!" Slashing the djinn with my blue flames, it dissolved in thin air. I giggled and smirked to myself as I placed my sword on my shoulder, landing softly on the ground. "Mama/CUPCAKE!"  I put my sword away and got tackled to the ground by my beloved family. "WOW MOM YOU WERE SO COOL!" I kissed Yona and Edward on the forehead, smiling. Sinbad pushed the kids away and held onto my waist whining.  "Where's my kiss!?" I giggled before pecking him on the cheek. "There-AHAHAHA!" I squealed as Sinbad threw me over his shoulder,patting my butt. I blushed and reached out for the kids for help. "Bye mom! We'll be in the library!" I felt my heart crack in two,I thought they loved me... "NO KISSES FOR A YEAR!" Edward stopped in his tracks,along with Yona."GET HIM!" I giggled as Sinbad ran with me on his shoulder and the kids chasing after us. "DAAAAAADDDDD!!!!!" Edward growled. Sinbad stuck his tongue out at Edward. "HA! Suck it kids!! HAHAHAHA-Ja'far?!"  I smiled Ha! He's cornered,or so I thought. Sinbad quickly threw me in the air,making me scream out his name in fright. He slide past Ja'far and caught me in one piece. I clutched onto his neck tightly. "N-Never again!" I shouted at him. Sinbad smiled down at me,and nuzzled his nose against mine. "Would I ever drop you blueberry?"  He asked softly. I blushed slightly and looked away from him. O-Of course baka!" I pouted still the redness on my cheeks darkening. "I'll just teach you how to trust me~" Sin nibbled at my nose,my face darkening into crimson. This is the life I live now,me and my husband and two kids,or maybe more? Hopefully the future holds something good for me and my family......

I cringe at my story and knowing that people read it,thank you for tolerating my weirdness. Thank you for reading this cringe-ass-changing-story and hopefully I will make more in the future. Till then,bye my little Toridos and my fellow readers!

:P xd :P XD :P XD :P

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19, 2017 ⏰

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