All Ruined....

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(GOD...I don't even know anymore...I hope you enjoy his cringy shit XD)


"Aladdin!" I rushed towards him, slashing some dark djinns while I'm at it. Aladdin turned and flew towards me. "You're not well enough! Please!" I smiled and punched Aladdin, little blood gushing out of my hand. "Where's Kou!?" I asked, fearing only the worse. Aladdin pointed towards the north. "They're over there! I saw some djinns go over there and-" Before Aladdin could finish, I rushed on a horse riding it towards the north.



What the?! I flinched as they regenerate. My magoi is deploying, I don't have much time left. "BARARAQ ZENTA!" Jumping back, my eyes widen at the blue lighting that hit the three djinns. No,it couldn't be! "Watch out!" A flash of blue came towards me as it picked me up and moved me back were the djinn fell, disintegrating. W-What the?! "Are you alright your highness?" Looking up I saw a woman, smiling down on me with golden incrested eyes. She chuckled and set me down on my feet. I looked up at the woman, she's a metal vessel user.

She looked down at my arm and touched it gently. "Oh my your highness. You hurt yourself while struggling against the djinns." She was right, a light purple showed on my swelled arm. She looked up at me. "May I your highness?" She asked. I nodded and she kneeled down. She lowered her head to my arm and planted a kiss, white rukh fluttering from her kiss. Suddenly all the pain disappeared and the light purpleness disappear, along with the swelling. My eyes widen as she stood, wincing in pain and that was when I noticed the blackness in her arm. It spread across her chest, down her arm and hitting the jawline of her face. She turned her back and that was when I snapped towards her direction. "Wait! Who are you!?" I shouted, drawing her attention. She giggled and smiled, making a slight red appear on my cheeks. "Me? I'm Murasaki Scarlet! The first general of the Seven Seas Alliance." Wait did she just say seven seas alliance?! That means....


"Hold it right there brat!" Suddenly white flames caged around me, even from the air. I turned around, someone dares to stop me? "The Seven Seas Alliance you said?" A dark and commanding voice said. I looked back at the black rukh flowing back towards Magnostdt. I growled and broke free from the white flames by a simple touch. The guards stared at me in utter shock. "You dare pull a weapon against a girl?" I glared back at the pink headed boy with his 4 metal household members at his sides coldly. "You disgust me..." He stiffen before growling at me. "Do you know who your talking to lady! Why you-" He went silent as I inched towards him, grabbing him by the collar and yanking him down with force to the ground. His household members took a step back, staring at me."Don't talk to me like that your highness after I saved the prince. I-You have no right to speak from that filthy mouth!" I floated up at the kings' troops. "I'd advise to gather the weak and retreat for your own safety! Things are gonna get ugly here!" "Lady Murasaki!" I hmmed and turned around, looking at Aladdin and Alibaba. I floated towards the two."Let's go and stop the black djinns! Aladdin! Alibaba!" I pushed off into the air, followed by Aladdin and Alibaba behind me.



"Your highness! She is there, fighting with the little magi brat.." A frown spreaded across my lips as I stood up. "The great miracle of this world. The life that should be despised above all! The first-class Singularity......Queen Percival!"


"Bararaq Valfola!" I shouted, White lighting shooting at the black sphere of black rukh, cracking it and soon,spreading a dark gas into the air. I huffed and puffed, the blackness in my neck slowly growing. It's not time yet....I suddenly felt my equip give away, letting me fall towards the grounds. Alibaba's eyes widen. "MRS.MURASAKI!" My hands weakliy went up to my necklace. "Baal...Sinbad's servant of Rage and Greatness, dwell within me. Transform me into a great sorcerer. Now....BAAL!" Alibaba's eyes widen slightly. "Wait a second..! It's King Sinbad's equip!" Alibaba exclaimed. 'My queen..I am humbly at your service..' I smiled. Thank you,Baal!

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