The Calling

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"Mmmhhunnyaaa~" I woke up from something hot breathing on my neck. I rubbed my eyes and stretched. "Good morning Sin.....Sin?" Oh, he's still asleep. I wiggled from his grip but no budge. I looked around and saw my sword on the other side of the room. Damn it Jihyun why are you so far away! "Tamaki! Are you there help me please!" The necklace on my neck glowed in response. "PLEASE KYOYA, I'll give you a kiss if you help me!" *POOF *CLICK* *SNAP* *THUD* "What did you say about a kiss my princess?" Kyoya smirked as his grip on my waist tighten. Sinbad woke up and saw me in the situation. Kyoya frowned. "Oh, so he's my competition?" I went on my tiptoe's and kissed Kyoya's Blue cheek. "Geez stay in your necklace you blue headed dummy. " Kyoya returned back into the necklace. I looked at Sinbad. "Are you alright?" Sin nodded and stood up. "Yes, I'm fine really. One of your Djinns?" I nodded and grinned. "Yeah. He was the one I mentioned at the festival." Sin smiled and chuckled. "Let's go to the others!" I nodded at Sin's request. "Alright just let me get changed can you wait outside my door please?" Sin's smile grew into a smirk. "I can help you get changed?" *BOOM* "AND STAY OUT YOU PERVERT!" I slammed my door shut and growled. "Idiot.." I walked over to my closet and got my usual clothing, my bandages, and my white pants. I curled the bottom of my hair and put it up in my natural ponytail "There.." I walked out of my room. "I'm ready to go!"


"I'm ready to go!"

I bit the inside of my mouth, I wonder what she looks like without any clothes off? I smirked of the idea and then shook my head around.NO! BAD SINBAD! "Ready to go?" She nodded and smiled. "Yea!Come on!" She grabbed my hand and dragged me with her to the others.



"Ja'far control him, his inner pervert shown..." Ja'far grabbed Sin by the collar and began to scold him while choking him to death. I burst out laughing, as I watch Ja'far choke out Sinbad.I wiped away my tears and held onto Ja'far's shoulder. "I...I...haha....think that's....ha....enough...." I slowly unraveled Ja'far's hands from Sinbad's neck. Suddenly,an idea popped in my head. "Hey! let's have a drink! After some chaos and fun, I think it's time to have a drink!"I frowned and looked at Sinbad then back to Ja'far. "Is he gonna have a drink?" Ja'far looked at Sinbad suspiciously. "I guess....After all his drinking has come to a stop ever since you got here so he should be safe..." I sighed in relief, thank god. "Oh let me get Yam and Pisti!"


"Got the girls!" I shoved Pisti and Yam in the room. "Got the booze!" Sinbad said as he walked in the room with some booze. I grabbed a whole bottle of booze from Sinbad secretly and tip toed back to my spot on the ground. "You guys ready to get drunk!" I shouted out with the booze in my hand. "HELL YEA!"


I sat on the ground in a blushing blush holding up a cup of booze,laughing like crazy.

Awesome party ever! "Whooooo wantzzzz to plaaayyy a gggaamme of trutth aand daarree guyyyzz?" Yam said with an empty cup in her hand.

Awesome party ever! "Whooooo wantzzzz to plaaayyy a gggaamme of trutth aand daarree guyyyzz?" Yam said with an empty cup in her hand. 


I stiffen, my golden cup slipping out of my hand, everyone's eyes were on me. "Are you alright Murasaki your pale?" Pisti said, worried. I nodded. "I'll be right back..." I walked out of the room. 'Percival come' That belongs to- "Father..." I started to run around the place, hearing the callings from father's voice. Turn's, twist's , straight's it doesn't matter, I want to see him! I hit the walls and corners of the palace, bruising my body. 

'Percival come'

Tears started to run down my cheeks. "Father I'm coming!" The voices started to get louder and my tears started to run down faster. I came to a stop at the front of the garden. A smile came to my face as I saw a familiar man standing near a pastel blue rose bush. His blueish-purple eyes met my dark purple ones. "F-Father..."

"Hello, my little Primrose...."

My whole body moved on its own as I ran to my father. I jumped forward and hugged my father tight, not wanting to let go. "I-I thought you died..."I cried in my father's arms as he petted my hair slowly as he teared up silently. "So you've been living in Sindria? Why not the place?" I frowned and hide my head in fathers stomach. "Father it's too late. The castle has a new ruler, it's done. And even if I go back to the palace, I'll be all alone, Mother and you both perished in the fire. A-And brother...father, he left me to die he didn't save me!"He stopped petting my head as he heard the painful cries coming from my mouth. He bent down and wiped away the tears that fell. He held both of my hands and smiled. "My little Primrose. You are the first princess of the Neverdina Kingdom, it is your kingdom. We built the kingdom as a family. The country is your family and they helped us build it. And for all me and your mother see, you do have have your friends.." Father grabbed my hand and turned me around and pointed at a pillar, behind the pillar was Ja'far, Sharrkan, Sinbad, Pisti, and Yamraiha. He patted my head and chuckled. "You know...Badr thinks that you guys make a cute couple." I blushed crimson red and looked away. "If that dummy hadn't died, I would be choking him right now. I wonder what mother and Esra think of it?" I frowned and chuckled slightly. Father let out a laugh. "Well if you must your mother and Esra I believe are chasing him around in heaven....." I grinned. "I'm glad...hopefully I get to see them again and maybe Sinbad will remember the truth about his past." Father nodded. "Here my child I must give you something." A box appeared in his hand, a box made of the white oak trees from the Lorule kingdom. He set the box in my hand, an electric shock ran through my body. What was that? "Goodbye, my sweet Primrose...." I smirked and waved with my hand. "Bye father. Oh! And don't forget to send down Badr, I still want to choke him out..." The last I heard from my father was his chuckles and then he disappeared.I looked at the white oak box and saw a piece of metal that said, 'to the next crowd queen cherish this power.' I opened the box....

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