"I'm up" I reassured him.

"Alright, just come into the cockpit when you're ready." And with that he left the room, the sound of his boots hitting the ships floor growing quieter.

I swung my legs from the bed so I was sitting up, my arms supporting my still sluggish body.

My head felt fuzzy and black dots swarmed my vision from the abrupt movement.

I let myself gain focus and gradually stood up, walking towards the cockpit and Anakin.

On my way to him, the ship lurched, I stumbled, and because of my very recent nap, my legs refused to work properly and I fell straight on my butt.

Hearing my fall, Anakin hurried out of the cockpit, bending down to help me up.

If my legs were functioning properly I would have refused his help, but to my dismay, they weren't.

I was forced to grab onto his arm, his other snaked around my waist, hoisting me up.

My face flushed at the contact and I looked down to avoid his gaze.

He let go of me, his hands still out in case I fell again.

I regained my composure and waved him off.

He hesitated but eventually let his hands fall back to his sides.

"Sorry about that, the ship had a bit of a bumpy landing." He explained, scratching the back of neck.

"Yea I can tell." I retorted, a bit cranky.

"Well the planet seems to have an endless downpour, so it's a bit hard to land when you can barely see what you're trying to land on." He said defensively.

I realized how rude I sounded and decided to apologize.

"Sorry, that was rude. I'm still kind of cranky from lack of sleep." I joked, trying to lighten the mood.

Anakin cracked a small smile at me and I smiled back, liking the sensation.

It dawned on me that this kind of interaction would lead to nothing good, so I looked away from his enchanting gaze.

He cleared his throat, sensing my hesitance.

"The downpour seems unrelenting, so we'll just have to make a run for it."

"Ok, I hope they have some dryers in this joint." I laughed, the grogginess from my nap finally disappearing.

Anakin chuckled lightly and sighed.

"I hope so too Verena"

Him saying my name sent an unfamiliar feeling shooting through my body.

How am I supposed to ignore my feelings for him when he simply says my name and I'm ready to kiss him again?

Hiding my emotions for him will probably be the hardest thing I've ever done.

I started walking towards to the door of the ship, when Anakin didn't follow, I looked back at him.

He seemed to understand what I was saying and quickly made his way to the door.

He opened it and the deafening sound of rain hit me with full force.

I looked to where the door of the unfamiliar building was, preparing myself to sprint towards it to minimize how drenched I would be.

Anakin had the same idea.

"I bet I could beat you to the door." He challenged.

I raised an eyebrow skeptically, smirking at him with disbelief.

devotion || anakin skywalker [completed]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant