Lydia reached up to her face, grazing her fingertips over where she had fallen against the rough concrete of the sidewalk and pulled back to see her chin was bleeding. Her palm and elbow were bleeding as well from where she had attempted to catch herself. Picking herself off of the ground, she told herself not to cry because it wasn't that big of a deal. Couples go through stuff like this all the time, it was just a little fight over a party. He hadn't meant to be rough, she told herself, and he would apologize tomorrow and claim he didn't even know he had hurt her. "It happens," she mumbled, but even as she spoke the words could feel herself tearing up. The neighborhood they'd stopped in was nearly a half hour away from her own house, and that was if she was driving. Walking it would take way longer. But she knew someone else she could go to who lived closer.

She rang the doorbell and it this point couldn't hold back tears. She knew her relationship was bad, she just always thought it was her fault. As soon as the door had opened, she started to weep pathetically, knowing who was answering wouldn't be happy with this situation either.
"Lydia?" Stiles' eyes were wide at he girl on his front porch as he immediately stepped closer to her rescue.

Caressing her cheek, he examined the cut on her chin with great concern which only caused her to cry harder. "Did Jackson do this to you?" He asked. But Lydia didn't want to answer, sniffling, avoiding his eyes. "Lydia, did Jackson do this to you?" He said sternly, her tears coming faster. All she could manage was a thick sob. He looked her up and down, noting the scrapes on her knee and one on her elbow. She showed him her palm too and he held it in his own, sighing at her battle wounds. Gently, he pulled the girl inside of his home, one arm wrapped around her waist as he led her into the warmth of his living room. He could tell she was trying not to make a lot of noise, holding in her cries which only made it sound like she was choking. Setting her on the couch, he told her he'd come back with a blanket and some bandages.

"Stiles?" A voice called from the other room causing the boy in question to stop walking away from their guest. The sheriff appeared in his uniform, probably having just got off of his shift. He spotted her tears instantly, pools of makeup beneath her eyes. "Oh, hello Lydia."
Managing a smile, Lydia greeted him with a hiccup."H-hello Mr. Stilinski."
"Dad can you, uh..." Stiles cleared his throat, signaling they needed to be left alone. The man didn't question it, obviously noticing something was wrong and he left to his room.

Stiles came back a moment later with an abundance of things balancing between his arms. Lydia almost laughed but the feeling made her grow cold as she thought of how caring he was. The first thing he offered her was tissues, a little package of them that she quickly accepted knowing she probably looked like a mess. He disappeared again, only for a few seconds as she heard him scramble around in the kitchen before he returned to her side and kneeled in front of her rather than sitting on the couch.

"Hey," he said just to grab her attention (as if he didn't already have it), "you'll be alright. I'll stay right here, okay?"
She nodded, knowing nothing would come out if she tried to speak. Taking some bandages out of the first aid, he started by cleaning the blood and dirt off of everything, taking his time to be careful and not hurt her to any further extent. He wrapped her hand in gauze and placed a bandaid over her elbow and knee. His brows furrowed at the flesh toned stickers. "They're not very cute, are they?" He asked. This at least got a small smile out of the girl and he grinned before taking a pen out of his back pocket. He then proceeded to draw smiley faces on them and this time, she did give a light laugh.

Giving her the pen, he stood and went back to the kitchen and once again returned but this time with a mug in hand. He wrapped her tightly in the blanket and set what he explained was tea on the side table near her so she could reach it, raising his brows as if to ask if she needed anything else without actually saying the words. Shaking her head no, she allowed one last tear to fall before telling her self no more. He half smiled and sat next to her, not at the other end of the couch but directly beside her. Maybe he expected her to talk, she thought. But she didn't feel like talking, and she knew he would understand that too. So instead she leaned into his side, her head resting on his shoulder and her little auburn curls tickling his neck as her sniffling began to die down.

She took her arm out of the cocoon of a fluffy blanket, the one that held his pen and she gestured for his hand. He gave it to her willingly. They sat there for around an hour without talking; Stiles' eyes closed and on the verge of sleeping as Lydia sipped her tea and drew on his hand.
"Thank you." She whispered after what felt like forever. He opened his eyes and looked down at her. He didn't know what to say so instead he watched her draw as he thought of how to respond.
"Will you keep me?" He asked. She stopped what she was doing and looked up at him, puzzled.
"Keep you?" She asked.
He nodded like a child. "I want you to have me forever."
She smiled and promised she would keep him. Suddenly everything else from that day felt like it had happened years ago.
Authors note:

Did you think it was Stiles at first? Cause that was the whole point of not using any names in the beginning. (Btw if you didn't catch on it was Jackson doing all the mean things and blah blah blah and THEN she goes to stiles)
Comment, read, enjoy!

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