CH4: Meeting time

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     I went straight home and slept until five that was when Cris came in and told me to get up we were leaving in an hour. James, Eric, Cris and dad all car pulled while I drove my bike. As cliché as it was. It was a nice night, so the meeting was held outside. The air was fresh, clean, crisp and had a nice chill because of the earlier rain. I'm glad I still had my jacket on. I hung get back-aways since technically I wasn't supposed to be there. So I leaned up against a tree and begin reading my book. James and everyone did the opening ceremonies initiated the new pack blah blah blah.

Damon's POV

I walk up to the clearing where the meeting is being held. Jake and most of the wild thorn pack had already arrived. "Yo Jake." I wave and walk up to him. "Evening Alpha. Everything is ready we can start the meeting with skyline any time."

"That's good we should-" I stopped mid sentence when I smelt and saw the figure leaning on a tree across the clearing. My face-hardened and snarled before I knew it.

Camron's POV

As I flipped the next page in my book, suddenly I couldn't breath. There were sharp claws digging there way into my trachea. My hands latch on to the large hand, tightening around my neck and lifting me off the ground throwing me into the bark of the tree makeing the wood splinter. I looked up since my hood had fallen when I hit the tree.

Damon's POV

My claws came out as I tightened my hand lifting him a foot off the ground. I stood strait lifting him higher and snarled. "What are you doing here trash!" My grip tightened even more causing little blood drops to pool around the nail, and causing his blond and pink hair to fall around it fag "I'll ask you again" I barked, his hands feebly grasped at mine.

Without warning I felt two different sets of extended claws at either side of my neck, the murderous growling intent was enough to make even me look at either of them. It was skylines beta Eric and Cris gamma, third in command. Their sky blue eyes had turned dark as the ocean. Eric spoke first stepping forward so his arm was at a 90-degree angle. He spoke growling.
     "If you value your life." The other finished the sentence with the same mauls.
     "You will put Camron down. Slowly.."

     To make a demand of an Alpha, was enough for me to tear them to shreds. Nonetheless I did as ordered. As I turned around from the now gasping piece of trash on the ground, I noticed that a crowd of growling wolfs in human had quickly gathered around us. Soon the crowd parted quieting instantly when the alpha of skyline walked threw. His face was stone and expressionless, and voice was like ice. He was calm and showed no emotion what so ever. Even Donate slunk back at this ghost.

     "What quarrel do you suddenly have with the youngest of MY FAMILY." I could hear a slight ting of agitation in his voice. Then my anger lit like a fury hell hath no, causing every member of my pack to step back.

     "What is the meaning of that thing being here?!-I swung and arm gesture to the now standing fag,- "James, Are you trying to make a mockery of this meeting?!" I felt my wolf anger, and Donate was ready to fight. He ran his hand threw his long chestnut hear and looked exasperated.

      "This meeting was mandatory for all available members of our packs, was it not? Weather Camron can turn or not, is still a member of skyline and should be treated as such."

     I looked back at that piece of shit and my sister was standing far too close to him and speaking. I roar at her "Sarah get away form that trash. My sister had fear and anger in her eyes, she was about to speak when he cut her off. He spoke in a calm cordial, reverent tone. Like it was crystal glass sliding across the finest silk.
     "Brother Alpha, I wish to speak freely." I could tell that his Alpha brother was shocked, but he replied. "You may speak."

     He spoke to the crowd. "First of all. I apologize to our new brethren here tonight for this little depocal." Then He spoke to his brother but made direct eye contact to me, a challenge. "However, if the Wild Thorn Alpha claims me as not a full member of my own pack, Make me prove my worth." A smile inched at the corners of his mouth. That silk voice still flowing.
     "He needs only to claim the right to challenge me. I know as solely a human I cannot beat a wolf, let alone the alpha of one of the three strongest packs in the country. But I can at least prove myself strong enough to be part, can I not? "

     If I didn't know better I would swear by the moon-goddess I saw skylines beta and gamma roll their eyes. Their alpha looked at me as did both packs. He spoke "Do you Alpha, Damon Victors claim the right to challenge?" I correlated the official reply "Yes, I claim the right to challenge." He then looked at that fag. "Do you Camron accept his right to challenge?"

I will never for get the words said that day. It wasn't the official acceptance creed. He smiled, and bowing low with his head up arms crossed his front and back like a butler. "With honors."

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