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Yo, hi there, my names Camron Waters and before we jump in I'm just goanna come out and say it. My Family is werewolves, yep you read it werewolves. I learnt that when I was 10. My mom and dad didn't believe in keeping a secret that big. Well, except for me, I have three older brothers and there triplets! James is the oldest fallowed by Eric and Chris. Yep you guessed it I'm the youngest (by 2 years and I'm 18), and the ONLY girl.

Anyway. You're probably wondering about the, me not being a werewolf thing right? Well it's kind of like this. When my mom had my brothers they looked almost exactly like my dad, brown, and rusty red hair and blue eyes, however when I was borne I have blond hair and forest green eyes. Due to the difficult birth I lost my mother at you guessed it, 10.

O.K. sooo I'm not a werewolf, I'm completely 100% human. No super speed or strength, super smell, nothing. If I had to say I have one "power" I like to call it "the call" Most werewolves can mind link with each other, but when I do it just right I can "howl" and it can be head from miles away. The only other thing werewolf-ie about me is the fact about me is I train with my dad and brothers. So I can fight off a wolf the size of a black bear using a Bo staff. (That's the long wooden stick in ninja turtles.) . Dad used to be the alpha of our pack but now James is. Eric is beta, second in command, and Chris is third.

Chapter 1: Why Me?!

"You GOTTA BE FUCKING KIDDING ME! LEAVE L.A?!" I shouted in gasping for breath. Dad just sat at the breakfast table sipping his coffee, looking at his paper. "See this is why we didn't tell you before hand.." I leaned back crossed my arms and cocked an eyebrow. "We Who?" God if this old man strings me along any longer I'm gonna snap. Dad finally looked up from his paper. "James."

James, OF COURS the oh so brilliant alpha of (our) skyline pack. (catch the sarcasm?) I turn on my heals and BOLT down the hall and up the stairs leaving a path of destruction in my wake. Dad had watched as I flew away. "I hope that boy is wearing a helmet" then he looked back at his paper.

I bust threw my brothers' door. James turned around "Hey Cam-" POW!! 150 pounds of angry teenage L.A. street biker girl full force strait into his chin!! James flew twelve feet back and two feet in to a wall. James sat in the wall for a minuet stunned "Ow Camron. Are you sure YOU'RE not a werewolf? For gods sake that hurt!" He stepped out of the wall a little annoyed but mostly laughing, and brushed wall and Spackle out of his long silky brown hair. James was always my favorite, he was calm, kind, smart, and even good-looking. Believe me, my friends went on about it. Un like the other two overly roughty and loud I swear the're more dog than anything "WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME!!" I scram at the top of my lungs. Eric and Chris peeked in the doorway behind me. James stood up strait rubbing the bright red dock martin boot mark on his chin and side of his face. "Because we knew you would react like this, save the drop kick to my jaw."

"Well of course I'd react to dad dropping a bomb shell. What the hell! And the Oh-yea-by-the-way-were-leaving-tonight thing was the icing on the cake! I'll drop the fight on the move FOR NOW" James knew I meant business now. I could feel my eyes burning; dad's number one rule, never show an enemy pain of ANY kind. "But do you have ANY IDEA how many things I put in order now? Do you!!" I was screaming now. "You may believe it or not, but my life does not revolve around our pack! And now to top it off I have to pack up all my shit and move to god knows where! Just fucking great Jamie, just great!" Shock suddenly silenced me I realized what I have done. I said the forbidden word. "James I'm sorry, I-" He cut me off looking very sad and hurt. "Just go take care of what you need but be back in two hours. The guys and I will start on your room." I nodded and walked out, Eric and Chris were snickering behind me.

James POV

I walked out and socked them both in the back of the head. "Are you sure were the same age?" Chris who was a real smart ass rubbed his ear length buzz cut rust colored hair said "Nope you're a FULL day older" I rolled my eyes. He thinks it's so funny that were bourn on different days. Its three minuets, I was August 16th at 11:59 pm and those two morons were august 17th at 12:02. "Come on you two lets get started" I opened Camron's door and prayed for the best.

Camron's POV

I opened the door to the garage and I heard the boys walk into my room above. Ka-thunk-thud "Damnit Cam!!!" I had to cackle to my self. Chris had tripped over the mustang engine block on my floor. How do you miss it? Seriously? I walked over to one of my most prized possessions. My built from scratch custom designed street bike. Dark purple with a Kawasaki ninja block, mustang fuel lines, dirt bike tires, all those bells and whistles, and my own concoction of nitro infused concentrated gasoline. Basically it was the fastest, most dangerous, most illegal bike on wheels. I called her "Frankie" short for Frankenstein-bike. I got on, put on my helmet and black riding jacket turned the key and Frankie ROARED to life. I took off like a bat out of hell! Not even trying. I road all the away across town to my best friend since pre-k, Tonya she must have heard me coming because she was jumping up and down in the front yard flagging me to the back. I had barely taken the key out and had my helmet before she was all over me squealing like a little girl about Frankie. O.K. first off Tonya does NOT squeal EVER. Second she's a violent tempered she beast too but can control her temper. Unlike yours truly.

In all the squealing and over-analyzing of Frankie. Josh and Sam walked up, I had kicked their ass' in junior high and we've all been best friends ever since. They've all come to me with one dire crisis or another. That's the only time I've ever felt like a big sister. After that I sat them all down and gave them the crash course of what was happening Tonya wailed and sobbed, Sam was pissed, and josh. Josh just walked away. We said our good buys, and Tonya spoke. You absolutely have to call us the first thing you get settled. Promise, ok?" Tonya knew my promise was law.

"I promise." She hugged me one last time and so did Sam. I looked at josh, he only stood there, and then Sam pushed him. He walked up and hugged me tight and whispered something to me I almost couldn't even hear it. "King of the four....... only call and they'll blow your way" after he let go of me and I left.

Back at the house.

It was Dad and James had finished loading the U-haul. And Eric and Chris were bickering about who was going to drive it. I walked up to Eric, his hair short red spiked hair looked like blood and fire at dusk. "So big brother number two where are we going?" Eric looked at me gruffly and annoyed at the situation. "Podunk nowhere Washington called 'Forest Green' can it be any more cliché? " Dad shouted "Alright load up we drive half way then break" James got in his black Chevy nova, Eric and Chris started the U-haul, and I took of on Frankie. We were off.

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