Chapter 20: Lost boys

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Sarah POV:

     It had been four almost five days since my brother and Camron had disappeared. I hope to the moon goddess that her legs are okay. She's had it ruff. Everything had been pure chaos, between wild thorn, and skyline her brothers and Jack had split the pack into multiple search parties. Every one of us was doing something. Lilly and I were in the group searching the town. Eric's unit was combing the woods; Cris was on high patrol rotating on all borders. Jack and James were at the pack houses, operating as central intelligence. Everyone was getting desperate. The boys were running themselves ragged.

      It was late morning and Lilly and I had just come back from another all night sweep of the city. We were supporting each other by the shoulders as we tiredly drudged into the humming central, the kitchen. Pack members were running around carrying papers, Dozens of phones rang off the hook. We poured ourselves some coffee and sat on the bench by the back door. James and jack were shouting out orders, and then began screaming at each other. Her brothers had been frantic and desperate, running around like mad men. James who had always been the most composed became, well, unhinged. Saying things like he wasn't going to let it happen again and how it was his fault he first time. Did he know? Did they all know what happened that night?

      A loud crashing sound ripped me from my worry. Looking over at Lilly to ask, but she was petrified, eyes glued forward. His hand plastered to the frame and blood splattered all around it. He had shattered a cup against the frame and was now profusely bleeding. Standing in the doorframe, he breathed heavily, in air out growls, was Cris.

     "You two fucks need to pull yourselves together!" He screams. Cris, happy go lucky never outrageously angry, was yelling at alphas! He stomped forward cracking them both in the side of the head, hard. James was hit with his bloody hand. They both fell to their knees as he began yelling at them, shaking his hands to wave the pain away.
     "We can't be at each other right now! Have you forgotten everything! Jack! Your best friend is missing and there are rogues after - he pointed judgingly at me- after her! God knows why! He gave a cold sharp glare to James.

"And you-" his voice changed from cold and angry to sad- "I hate being the voice of reason." Angry tears welled in his eyes, and in my own.
     "I'm no good at this shit. Eir, sure. He's smart'n thinks bout his words." Everyone was worried about Camron and Day, but her brothers seemed to be taking it the worst. I waked over to James and wiped Cris' blood off his head, as Lilly helped up jack.

     Lilly took jack away, short as I was; I looked up at him in a different way. His once lustrous crystal eyes, bored down upon me, were sad and thick. I didn't know what to do it was still awkward and quiet. Cris and James looked at me like they wanted me to say something. Like I had some magic words to make everything all better? I missed my brother just as much as they were desperate to find their sister. Tears finally broke thru and I started crying. I did the only thing I could do. On the tips of my toes I reached up and hugged James and began to sob. Two pairs of tight trembling arms wrapped around me, and burning tears hit my arms and face. They both were hugging me and crying the three of us crumpled to the floor sobbing. All for different reasons, I knew all the boys were hurting, even jack. I knew he was just outside leaning on the wall tears in his eyes.

     Strangely all my tears stopped. Something felt weird, like weird-weird. I softly cooed to the two men. "Guys, guys, listen. Opening their eyes and looking around as if to see the sound, surprise was awash on their tear filled faces. It was dead silent. Knitting my eyebrows I arched one. Standing up out of the their embrace I cautiously walked into our backyard at the forest edge. James, and Cris were behind me.

     I scanned around the area my hair stood on end. Wind blew across the trees ruffling everything. Snapped my head 90° I focused in that direction. Muttering below a whisper. 

"I know I heard you". It was so quiet, I could hear the heart to the two men behind me. 


"SHH!" Narrowing my eyes. I crouched a little facing the direction. "Where~are~you~?" stepping closer I eyed the vacant sound.

     Claws burst upward and over my head- sending me careening to my back. Everything froze as I watch a huge wolf's body eclipse the blinding sun. In a flash it was gone and I gazed at the burning son for only a moment before shutting my eyes and hearing two gasps. I rolled over peering upward seeing an exhausted heavily wheezing, and panting wolf on the brink of exhaustion. I gasped as it collapsed in front of me. Tears falling from my eyes: my voice was caught in my throat, and came out raspy and haggard. "Thank goddess".

James ran to the exhausted pare while Cris scram for Jack and Lilly running towards them as well.


     Damon rocketed us over the bush into the pack house backyard. Landed and skidding us about 10 feet before completely stopping and collapsed. Everyone at once surrounded us. shouting, crying asking questions, helping me off Damon. "James listen"! James was carrying me to the house "Cam your Okay now. Relax-"

     "Shut up!" I bellowed over all of them. Stopping all the cayoss. "About 250 mils north of here hidden in the mountans." Oh no it was happening again the spots and dizzieness. I shook my head, Damon was now human gasping for air as I tried to focus. "It's hidden in an old army base, there after us now! Send a counter attack before they get too close. That's not all." But before I could get anything else out. It all went black.

A/N: sorry about the long update and short crummy chapter.

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