CH3 ½: Damon.

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Damon's POV

All day I had been severally pissed off at the comment new boy at school made, it took all I had, to restrain Dontae my wolf; And not tear his throat out right then and there. I demand respect damnit. I couldn't believe it! I couldn't stop thinking about it, it was almost as if he knew and he was egging me. Trying to get me to snap. Humans can't sense what we are. But there was something else about him, something that had Dontae restless. "Be weary of the boy." He warned. Most of all his sent pissed him and me the fuck off. "You don't have to tell me twice" I thought back.

I floored the throttle of the jeep sending Sarah my sister flying backwards into her seat. "Geez Day we won't be that late for the meeting." She exclaimed rubbing her head "Skyline still has to initiate forest before anything". She was right. I pulled up to the pack house. Turned off the car and we walk towards the back where it was being held. Most of the pack had already arrived.

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TrappedOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora