Chapter 3

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Kisara slowly opened her eyes. She was lying on the bed, white silk blankets wrapped around her body. Late afternoon sun cast little warm rays around the shadowed room. She tried to sit down, and look around her. It wasn't her room at home. It wasn't Seth's palace either. Then where was she?

Kisara's hands now grabbed her head, the light material of the blanket caressing her face. What happened to her? She just couldn't remember…It seemed to her that she was sleeping forever…Her body was numb and she felt she couldn't move…

/"GET HER!"/

Her father's voice rang in her mind again and again; she closed her eyes as the headache filled her thoughts, her hair fell on her face as she let out small whimper. Now she could remember; the Pharaoh's palace, her attempt to run away, the guards pulling her back to the throne hall, the Pharaoh's mysterious figure. Her father's speech…And Seth…Seth watching her being dragged into…The Pharaoh's rooms! So there she was now. But she didn't recall falling asleep. She didn't remembered how they entered the room.

Kisara closed her eyes tightly, trying to focus and remember what happened after her pace in the corridor. She painfully remembered one of the guards pulling her back…The feeling of something soft on her nose and mouth…The smell was so sweet and heavy…So they just "calmed" her down…

Her head hurt so much that her eyes were filled with tears in an instant. She tried to breathe and somehow relieve the pain, but the air wouldn't reach her lungs. The attack passed, and the next minute she was breathing hard, her heart beatings fast and strong.

"You are awake." she heard an echoing voice somewhere near her. She barely lifted her head up to face the speaker. The red cloak still covered his body, and his intense purple eyes were darkened and calm. A new wave of pain immediately crossed her head. Her hands grabbed one another, when all the room span around her. Her bottom lip trembled when she struggled again for air.

The next moment he sat beside her, his warm hands taking her cold ones. "What is it with you?" he asked when he saw her eyes reflecting the pain she felt inside "Do you feel alright?". Could Kisara answer, she would have probably told him she was suffocating, but she felt so weak she couldn't even think about an answer. He held her head up, pulling her into a sitting position.

"Can…t…" Kisara let out in whimpers, her hands trying to escape his touch, "" she tried to tell him to leave her alone, but he didn't understand what she was saying. "Kisara," he said her name, and she heard his voice like it was coming from far depths. She looked into his face fading into darkness when she fell unconscious into his arms again.

Seth looked at the sun setting down into the Nile as he sat on the summit of Ra Temple. No one, except him, could reach this place. The place was sacred, and Seth wanted to be alone, and feel the power of the eternity as he sat in one of the highest spots in the world. He could see outstanding view; the setting sun colored the world with gold, and his hands that traced the carvings of his Millennium Rod as usually, were also gold and shining.

He wanted Kisara to see this place. It was his secret place, and he never shared it with anyone. He wanted Kisara to sit here beside him, the sun casting golden light into her hair and on her bluish eyes, her smile was warmer than million rays. Yet he was ready for his plan. And the first thing he needed to do was to make sure he and Kisara had enough time. But then, afterwards, what was he going to do? Could they both run away?

Seth's eyes traveled to the horizons in front of him. He knew well what is lying behind the distant buildings. There was the desert: wilderness of burning sands and death…The only way to escape was via the sea: if there was a chance they won't get caught, they could get onto a boat and sail far away from this land. But where can they go? Where couldn't the Pharaoh, the all-mighty ruler, the king of land, find the two of them?

Through the shadowsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें