Chapter 8

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That was the second day of the travel, and Seth stared gloomily into the distances. The view hadn't changed for a while now, as his convoy traveled far into the sunset. He wondered how Kisara was doing. (I hope she is alright. I hope she would understand me. I didn't want to leave her, I really didn't want…) But the doubt was already chewing Seth's soul. Why hadn't he fought his father? He could disobey his orders, run away…

But then again, he thought about this and found this solution useless. Where can he run? Where wouldn't his father find him? And most important: How could he leave Kisara in the hands of the Pharaoh…

The sand specks cracked under the hoofs of the horses, Seth's eyes had golden strips from the sun. He looked around through the wilderness, as the yearning for Kisara's presence consumed him more and more. (Kisara…I have to think how to save you…)

He remembered yesterday night. He invited one of his servants to play a Shadow Game against him. He hadn't forgotten about his plan to defeat the Pharaoh in a Duel. (I will make him crawl on the floor in pain and shame for taking Kisara away from me. I am going to win him over, no matter how hard it will be. I won't let him get away…Kisara…I love you) Images of his beloved filled his mind, her smiling face, the warmth of her body close to his, the tears she shed, the night she told him she had to marry Pharaoh Atemu. He opened his eyes, to see her in front of him, in the last sunlight, looking at him with her love-filled yet sad glance. Then the golden rays faded into shadows and the night floated into the sky.

Mahado headed to the Pharaoh's palace. He wasn't sure how he would tell the Pharaoh that his suspicions were verified. How could any of them guess that Kisara indeed was Seth's secret lover? It will break Atemu's heart…Mahado was really afraid of the Pharaoh's reaction. He could be gentle and understanding as well as angered and hostile.

/"Are you sure Mana? Do you have any idea how serious are the things you are saying?" asked Mahado with a terrified look.

"I'm sure this is right, Master Mahado," Mana said "I couldn't believe it myself. But he saw her, he saw her coming to Seth's palace, he saw them together, walking at night in Seth's gardens. He saw them sitting together in the moonlight." Mana sighed.

"What will the Pharaoh say when I tell him this?" asked Mahado "How am I going to tell him? I thought it was a wild assumption about Kisara and Seth…I saw how she reacted when we were talking about him…But…Oh Ra…"

Mahado shook his head in a great worry, and tears were forming in Mana's eyes. She hated when Mahado was nervous and stressful, she hated to see the fear and doubt in his brave and calm eyes. She stepped forward, hugging him and fighting the tears back. "Maybe it's for good," she said "This secret was going to reveal anyway. Maybe our Pharaoh won't be so mad. Maybe it isn't important now. Seth is away, and Kisara can't see him anymore. Maybe it will end up fine." Mahado's hand caressed Mana's brown locks.

"It's too many maybes…" he whispered hoarsely. Mana looked at him, her eyes still slightly wet. "I'm going now," he said as he freed himself from her hug "You did a great job discovering the truth. I'm sorry for the things you went through. I know how hard it is to fight the shadows of your past."

"He was a good friend. I liked the talk we had yesterday. But I hate to pretend in front of people. I hope it was my last time." Mana said, watching Mahado wearing his cloak.

"I'm going now. I hope it all will end up soon." said Mahado as he went outside the house, and closed the door, living a silver trail of tear on Mana's face./

Mahado slowly passed the guards in the gates of the Pharaoh's palace. He looked at the river, studying the blinks of early morning sun playing on the little waves, he made his way up the white marble stairs.

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