"And don't worry. I'm giving you two girls separate rooms since I know girls your age need their own space. I hope you girls get along real well with your new siblings." Mr.Kang spoke making Jiho smile brightly. She grabbed my hands squeezing them tightly. Hopefully this will go smoothly.

Once we arrived at a large house I found myself forgetting how to breath. Their house was breathtaking as both me and Jiho just staring in amazed.

 Their house was breathtaking as both me and Jiho just staring in amazed

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"I see the kids have left for the time being. That's fine, it gives us time to show you guys to your amazing rooms." Mrs.Kang grabbed our hands pulling us up the large stairway. Both me and Jiho were scared to see what Mrs.Kang thought of an amazing bedroom. I just hope it doesn't look to fancy. All I need is a bed and closet and I'm fine.

"Jiho this can be your room. It may be not that much-" Jiho cut Mrs.Kang off as she ran into her new room. My mouth just dropped as I stared at the room. How...how...how...rich are these people?

"THANK YOU!" Jiho shouted running back into Mrs

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"THANK YOU!" Jiho shouted running back into Mrs.Kang's arms. I started laughing as I watched Jiho shed a few tears. This is what she has always dreamed about, being treated with respect, showered in love, and out of all having protection.

"I'm glad you like it. There is already a closet with clothes in it but if you don't like them then you are free to go shopping. I'm giving you each a credit card all I ask is to not spend it on stupid stuff like a pony, I mean who doesn't want one but we have no room for a pony." Mrs.Kang laughed with Jiho laughing right behind her. I just stood there smiling at them both. Unlike Jihyun I can see a glow with Mrs.Kang, something that just shows me she is a good person.

"And this Somi is your room. It's right across from Jiho's since I thought it would be nice to stay near each other." Mrs.Kang opened the bedroom door for my mouth to drop open. Everything looked like it was dressed in royalty. I didn't know how to react. I want to scream like Jiho but then I'm afaird I might drop and break something.

 I want to scream like Jiho but then I'm afaird I might drop and break something

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"Mrs.Kang, this is to much-" I was cut off by Mrs.Kang wrapping her arms around me.

"Please call me Shinae. Mrs,Kang feels like my grandmother. I know mother is just out of the question because trust me Somi, if I was in your shoes I would never think about calling someone like me a mother, but hopefully we can become friends?" Mrs.Kang, oh wait Shinae smiled. I felt my heart skip a beat knowing now why I do like her, her smile reminds me of my mother. Warm and friendly.

"I'll let you get settle in. Dinner will be at five but until then you can unpack and settle down." Shinae pulled me back into a hug squeezing me tightly. Before she walked out the room she pointed to my stuff panda. "By the way what a cute stuffed animal." She added before walking out the room. I just stood there for a second letting everything settle in. I have a new home, a new family, new brothers and sisters, a new room, everything is changing again. But unlike last time I think this time will go better.

I found myself laughing as I started dancing around the room. I opened the nightstand to find all kind of goodies but what really caught my eye was a new cellphone on the nightstand. I picked it up to see a pink and gold wallpaper background. I smiled unlocking the phone. I clicked on the contact list to see seven names. One was Shinae (Mrs.Kang), John (Mr.Kang), Donghyuk, Jaehyun, Yugyeom, Sunjeong, and Eunwoo. Are these my new siblings? I clicked on one of the numbers randomly and then heard a males
voice. I just froze not knowing what to say.

"Hello." The voice spoke. I could hear another voice in the background asking who was on the phone but before he could say anymore I quickly hung up. Why did I call him? What was I going to say, hey I'm your new sister. That's weird over the phone.

Maybe for just right now I'll unpack and meet them later for dinner. I'm just really glad Jiho is getting a new and wonderful home. Looking at her in the eyes, she needs a place like this. She's finally away from Sana. Maybe I see myself in Jiho's shoes. Even though I had my father, I was still missing something. And that something was Jungkook and Taehyung.

I'm really glad I have them in my life.

so I know it's been I think eleven days since I wrote a new chapter. my mom just got home and we actually had a fight. All of my family got into this huge argument about something so stupid and it was a lot on us. My mom is still struggling because she doesn't have no more control over her legs and the fact she can't do the things she once did. She's been crying and I haven't had the chance to write anything. My mom comes first and I'm not sorry about that. But I'm going to try and start writing more at night since it's the only time I have. I even got a job at Petsmart and I'm working part time. It's a fun job....and I'm rambling on and on again.

               Thanks for reading


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