Will you Marry me part 2

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We came to a stop in front of a park that was mainly just woods.

I held on to the roses as I stared at the ground. There was a trail of red flower petals that led into the woods.

"Go on" Mr farn said.

I nodded and began to follow the trail of petals.

As soon as I stepped onto a dirt trial that led into the woods the trees began shine.

I looked up at the trees in amazement. Christmas lights hung from the branches and wrapped around tree trunks.

"Do you like it" I jumped at the voice.

I smiled when I realized it was Nick. "yeah I do" his head snapped towards me a I said I do.

He stepped closer to me. "how was it so be pampered all day" he asked.

"Nice, but what's all this about" I asked a he continued to step closer.

"You'll find out soon enough" he said finally reaching me.

I was about to demand him to tell me but his hand cupped my cheek stopping any words that were about to leave my mouth.

He caressed my cheek before gently kissing my forehead.

"Come on" he said intertwining our hands.

I happily followed him carful not to trip.

My smile only grew as we stepped into a clearing in the woods.

A table was set in the middle with plates of food. the trees around were illuminated with more light and tiny crystal calls that hung over the entire clearing. but the most breath taking thing was the small lake that reflected all the lights,

"It's so beautiful" I said staring at everything.

"Your more beautiful" he said looking at me with intense eyes.

My cheeks heated at his chessy line.

He pulled out one of the chairs at the table and then sat across from me.

"So are you going to tell me what all of this is" I asked looking at him curiously.

"Eat first" he said laughing.

"Fine but I'm only not pushing it because I'm starving." I said grabbing the fork next to my plate of pasta.

"Oh god this is so good" I said after taking a bite from the pasta.

Nick laughed again. "that good"

I nodded my mouth full of pasta. we chatted between bites of our food but as we were both about to finish he seemed to get distracted and anxious.

I finally put my fork down and patted my stomach. I looked over at him waiting for him to tell me what to do next.

He cleared his throat and looked at me.

"Heidi... I know we haven't know each other that long well a least not hated each other for long but...iii...i know that I love you and and I want to spend the rest of my life with you so" he got up and knelt on one knee in front of me. tears instantly sprung into my eyes.

"Will you marry me" he said looking up at me.

"Oh course" I yelled without a moments hesitation. He slipped on the ring he had. it had a big diamond in the middle and tiny ones around the band.

He stood up and pulled me up from my chair. I wrapped my arms around him and kissed him like it was the last day of my life.

It hadn't been long since I stopped hating nick but I knew that I loved him an I always would. he was mine and I was his.



*This is not the last chapter*

I still have another chapter or two and the epilogue.

Also I'm wondering if you guys want a sequel to this story. so if you could comment weather I should over shouldn't that would be great!!!!

Thank you for over 8k reads !!!!!!! And thanks to all those who have read this far I never could of imagined that I would get this many read so again thank you and I love you all!!!!

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