Chapter Three

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('-_-) this story is going slow even for me and I'm the ine writing it! But im determined to do this! Also thank you peoples for reading this! <3

-☆K E O N A☆


~Lances P.O.V.~

   I woke up groggily, completely forgetting the situation I was in. When I realized my little, dilemma, I jerked up. "Hello?!" I called. I looked at my surroundings. I was in a small room. With bars? Wait. I'm in a cage. I'm in a cage!?!?! Who the hell do these people thing they are, putting Lance Mcclain in a cage? Well. Not people. That DEFINITELY was not a person. Well, a human person at least.

  I took another glance at the room before I heard footsteps. A big Walked into the room I was in. "ALRIGHT YOU FILTHY ANIMALS! TIME FOR THE ARENA!!!" he boomed. Were the filthy animals? Im not the one putting people in cages. And whats the arena? Whatever it is made a lot the air buzz. Its suffocating. "Today we have a newbie so he will go first." I heard puss in boots yell before my cage was violently kicked, sending me sprawling.

   "Hey!" I yelled. All he did was chuckle before unlocking my cage. The minute I got out though, he bopped me in the head with the butt of his gun. These people really have no manners I thought before falling unconscious. Again. I woke up to the sound of roaring thunder. Wait. No, that wasnt roaring thunder. It was cheering. I was in a arena surrounded by evil kitties. Dammit. Out of all the things to bring me down. Grades, drugs, murderers. But nO. It HAD to be. Kitties. I sighed and shook my head sadly before looking around.

   I saw another man looking at me, smirking. He looked older than me which made me scared. Well no, thats not what made me scared. I noticed knifes, swords, and guns around the arena. The way the man looked at me made me realize something. He was going go kill me. He was willing to kill a 16 year old boy. I also realized that wherever we are, all humanity was left a while ago. I noticed in the crowd was a man sitting on a throne like seat. He didn't look like a kitty. He looked more like a.. reptile maybe? He was wearing red armor with a cape. His eyes were a glowing purple. I assumed he was the "leader" of the kitties, seeing as everyone around him was tense.

   "Quiet!" Yelled their leader. Everyone shut up not even a second later, causing a smug grin to play its way onto lizardman's face. "Today we have a newcomer. He is important to our cause so we will only give him the best," these words caused quiet snickers to soread across the room, "he will play against our best fighter. As for my fellow galrans, enjoy the show" he finished with a sadistic smile. "Let the games commense!" He yelled.

   The man in front of me ran to the side and grabbed a small knife. He then turned to me and ran forward. SHIT SHIT SHIT SHIT I looked around to see a largish gun behind me. I used to have a BB gun if that counts? I looked back towards the man to see him smirk and lift his hand with the knife. It seemed to go in slow motion. He pulled his arm back and pitched it forward, sending the knife in my direction. Its heading straight for my chest..

I swished to the side and let out a gasp of pain as the knife still found its way into my arm. I yanked it out and let out a loud gasp as it throbbed. Everyone was cheering for the man but the leader seemed more imtetested in me. I only just now noticed the man should be over here. Shit. Where is he? I saw him a little ways back. He was grabbing for a large blade.  Alright. That's a close combat weapon. He'll have to come over to me. I dont think thats a good thing but, hey, I can get that gun now. I grabbed the gun behind me and realized my mistake. I bad turned my back. He was right behind me. I panicked as he lifted the sword and-


Hnng okay another chapter. I have a question for you peeps. Should I put Langst in this story or no?? ;) like, emotional crap.  ;););)

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