Chapter Fifteen

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Sorry I haven't updated in a bit :(

Keiths POV

I was walking to Lance's room when Allura stopped me in the halls.

"Soo. Keithh~"

"Uh. Yeah...?" What is happening???

"Lance huh?"


"Oh come on!"

"A-allura I don't know what you are talking about.."

"Everyone knows you like him. Even father thinks it's cute~"

I blushed a deep red, "I dont know what you are talking about!"

"Keep telling yourself that!~" She smiled.

"Allura, I need to get to Lance.." I told her backing up.

"Hold on, Keith. Lance is not the only reason I came to you, although we will continue this conversation soon, but I was sent to tell you that there was a group of people sent to retrieve Shiro and the other soldiers.."

"What?! And you didn't tell me sooner? I could've gone too!" I yelled.

"I know that. Im sorry, butwe didn't want you going because it was personal. We know you can sometimes let your emotions cloud your judgement..."

"..whatever." I started my way to Lance, feeling angry and nervous.


I hope you come back..

And I- I'm sorry that I failed you.

"Keithy boy!" Lance.

"What did you call me?" I asked as I raised my eyebrows in amusement.

"Kei. Thy. Boy." He broke it apart.

"Yeah, I heard you." I deadpanned.

"Well then you shouldn't have asked."

I facepalmed. Really..?

(Le time skip brought you by Keith being soooo emooooo)

Today was a normal day. Nothing interesting happened. Nothing special. It was time for Lance to return back to his room and I stood on the outside, by his door.

I was standing there and was about to sit to let my legs rest for a bit when I heard a muffled sound coming from Lance's room.

What is that sound? Is he okay?

I enter Lance's room to find his face in his knees and his blanket on his body. His shoulders were shaking.

"L-lance?" I asked quietly.

He put his face in his palms and just lay there.

"L-lance..?" I asked again inching forwards.

His shoulders started shaking more and a sob escaped his mouth. He quickly put a hand over his mouth and gasped.

"Lance. Are you.. okay?"

Lance sat up and looked at me. Tears were streaming down his face like a waterfall. His bottom lip quivered as he shook his head. He returned his hands to his face.

"No...." he choked out, and his voice shook with raw emotion. I walked over to him and sat on the bed beside him. I wrapped my arms around him and gave the back of his neck a kiss.

"I'm sorry you're not okay. I'm sorry that you're hurting. I'm sorry that I can't do anything about it, but sit here.

"Keith. My family on Earth. I know they are not my real family, but I grew up with them you know? They don't know where I am. I just dissappeared! One day, I went to school, and I never came back. What will they do without me!? I know I'm just being self absorbed. They will get over me, forget me. But still, it h-hurts..." Lance cried.

I rubbed circles in his back and shushed him.

"Lance, It's okay. Everything is going to be okay! You have a new family. I know it's not what you want but you are right. You're family might forget you, but we never will! Lance, you have people that actually care for you. People that.. love. You."

Lance held on to me tightly and sobbed and sobbed.

Lance calmed down later, and we fell asleep there. In each others arms. Exhausted but content.

Lance never knew what I meant by my words but thats okay. He'll figure it out soon enough.

Alluras POV

I was walking towards my brothers room to talk to Keith when I noticed Keith was not there. I started panicking.

Where is Keith?! Is he okay? Is Lance okay!

I opened the door and looked around. I let out a (quiet) exited squeal when I saw it. Lance and Keith were there snuggling. I pulled out my camera and took a lot of pictures from different angles.

(Can we pretend that they have cameras and stuff on Altea pls?)

I would show them tomorrow. For now I will just enjoy the fact that my ship has left the dock. Whether it sinks or sails is the question now.

I hope it sails.

Tomorrow I will just. Push it. In the right direction.

I left and shut the door quietly as to not wake them up. I giggled to myself as I strolled down the halls. Tomorrow will be fun. I'll set up a day of festive activities.

Let the games begin :)

Sorry this chapter is short I made it in a hurry :/ I'll have chapters ready next time. Again, I'm sorry :(

Wait, What !? (Klance)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt