Chapter 31

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*Rebekah's P.O.V*

Today was the funeral. I had been asked to say some things and I had my speech prepared.

I was waiting for Draco to come down and take me to it.

I had on a black dress that reached my knees, black pumps and my hair is completely black. I left it down and straight because I can't be bothered to do anything fancy with it.

There was no point. It isn't a happy event, why should I dress like I'm happy?

The stairs in Sevy and I's house creaked as Draco came down in a black suit like the one he had worn for her wedding. Her wedding.

He had been staying with me because I couldn't stay here alone and he needed someone there for him at the moment. His mum and dad had gone away to get over their loss and he said it felt lonely being in the manor by himself.

It was hard always being around him but I was to busy grieving at the moment.

I grabbed my speech and he grabbed the keys to the muggle car that would take us to the burrow. We lived in a muggle surrounded neighbour hood so we can't exactly take broomsticks and floo powder would mess up his suit and my dress.

We were going to bury them at the burrow since they are both Weasley's. Its not actually at the burrow, its a cemetery next to it.

We both got in. The drive was silent and quite awkward. I could tell Joe wanted to tell me something but he just sat there silently.

What could it be? Was his mum and dad coming back earlier? Did he want to go back to the manor? Did he want me to come with him and was scared in case I can't let go of one of my last pieces of Sevy?

I was so lost in thought that I didn't notice we had arrived.

"Mother and father came back for the day and will be leaving again after" he told me. I nodded. That wasn't the thing he wanted to ask me.

I got out and looked around. Chloe was there with Seamus. She was wearing black jeans and a long sleeved black top. She doesn't wear dresses. Her wedding was a one time thing. Seamus had on a black suit and looked quite uncomfortable. Everyone was friends or related here but he was just alone. Without Chloe he probably wouldn't have came.

They walked over and started talking to me. I just nodded, not really paying attention.

"Well we better get seated" Chloe told us. Draco, George, Lucius, Arthur, Charlie and Bill carried the coffin to the garden of the burrow. They had built a coffin for both because no one wanted to take the two apart. Which meant it needed two extra people to carry it.

We followed and when we reached the garden we all took seats that had been set up. It had the same tent around it that they had had for Bill and Fleur's wedding.

I zoned out the person speaking until I heard my queue to go up.

"Now we have three speech's from George, Fred's twin, Draco, Scorpia's twin and Rebekah, a great friend of both" he announced. Since there is two people a lot of us wanted to make a speech.

George went up first. His eyes were puffy and red from crying and tears were still flowing.

"Fred was the best twin anyone could ask for. We would always be known as the pranksters of Hogwarts and he could make anyone laugh" he choked back some tears as he continued. "I remember setting him and Scorpia up. I told Scorpia that i'd help make him jealous by going to Hogsmeade with her on St. Valentine's day. I did get a few punches from her brother, though. Then afterwards, when we got back to the castle, I seen Scorpia down by the black lake by herself. I stayed there until Fred seen me looking and came over as well. He asked me if  I was going to go down to her but I said I wasn't. In the end he went down and that's the day they got together" he smiled at the memory but it was a sad smile. One that told everyone who didn't know that he set up a dead couple. "Fred would always call her Scorpy. He said it was her special name for him and that made him special to her. There always was that special thing between them. Then on the day- the day..." he choked and tears streamed down his face as he tried to say it. "The day that they died. Percy said that they all seen the wall falling except Scorpia. It was behind her. Everyone jumped to the side except him. He jumped to where Scorpia was and tried to push her out of the way. It was too late. It killed both of them" he choked again and covered his face. He took them away and brushed away a few tears. "Fred was one of the best people I ever knew. He was funny, nice, a bit hot-headed but you had to love him. It was an honour to know him and be his best friend and twin. It just shows you how anyone could die any day and you have to live life to the fullest" he finished. He wiped his face and went to the side with tears still streaming. Draco stepped up next.

"Scorpia was one of the nicest people I will ever know. In sixth year when we were Death Eaters, she refused to let us do that much work. She was probably the nicest person to ever be put in Slytherin. I remember when we were nine we were playing around the house. Mother and father were at work and the house elves were cooking our lunch and cleaning. We were playing a game of hide and seek when one of the books fell of the cupboard I was hiding in and hit her one the head. She cried a bit and then I started crying saying I was sorry. In the end she was the one comforting me. She was just that kind of person" he smiled sadly at the memory and wiped some tears. "I remember her first boyfriend was my best friend. I hated it. In the end they broke up because of me. She cared about me that about me. Then when father found out about her being engaged, I knew who it was to. Rebekah had accidentally told me about her and Fred. I was going to tell him but Chloe and Rebekah stopped me by telling me if Fred died she'd kill herself" he looked at the coffin and sobbed for a second. He croaked out," I couldn't let her do that. I didn't really like Fred until he was dead. I liked him because he attempted to save my sisters life and that means a lot to me. My sister was the world to me. And now she's gone."

He stepped to the side and covered his face. I stepped up and looked down at the scrunched up paper.

"Scorpia was my best friend. She's always meant more to me than anything. When I was thirteen, I became anorexic because all the Slytherins would call me fat. She always forced me to eat. She never told anyone else about it, not even Chloe. She had sworn never to tell anyone. She told me I was worth as much as anyone and that I was skinny and beautiful. She told me that I am beautiful no matter what my weight. She was there when I needed comforting" I choked thinking about my best friend. "Fred was that funny one who helped me laugh no matter what. He loved Scorpia and she loved him. I've always wanted that kind of love with someone. When I was a Death Eater she would tell me I could quit at any time and that she'd cover for me. The day she d-d-d-d-d-died. I-I-I h-h-had b-b-b-been-" I stopped and held my face in my hands. I couldn't finish this. I felt a comforting arm on my back. I turned around to see Draco. He gave me a big comforting hug. I just stood there and cried into his chest. He continued my speech for me.

"The day she died" he rubbed his eyes and continued "I was with Lupin and Tonks whom also passed away that night. I could have been there but I had been doing something anyone else could have done. I could have been there and a difference. I could have been there and I could have been the one standing there against the wall. I could have died instead of her. No one would have car-" he stopped and looked at me. "Rebekah, I'm not finishing this. It isn't true."

"It is. She would have but she would have had Fred then. Sevy was already gone. Chloe had Seamus. Little Teddy had Harry" I sobbed. He brought me into another hug. "Just read out the last bit, if you won't read the rest." My voice came out muffled against his chest.

"Scorpia always told me 'live live, there plenty of time to be dead'. I thought she was just being sarcastic at the time but I now realise that its true" he finished. I looked at Chloe. Her head was in Seamus' shoulder as he comforted her. When she looked up you could see she had been crying. Again I say, she HATES crying.

After they were buried, Draco pulled me aside.

"Rebekah, I have to tell you something" he told me. I nodded slowly. "I need to get away. From everything that reminds me of her. I can't take it. I don't know how long I'll be away but I just wanted to let you know that I'll not be staying with you until I get back. It could take months. I'm sorry for the inconvenience."

I nodded and walked away. I sat down and put my head in my hands.

Now I was officially alone.


Long one to make up for the short one. I have one more chapter before the epilogue. No sequel cause I can't continue this. Thanks for reading!

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