Chapter 10

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*Scorpia's P.O.V*

It was all over the papers the next day. The Daily Prophet was firing out all the answers. Chloe and Rebekah had gone back to Hogwarts because it would look very suspicious if they were missing.

The next morning I woke up in the Manor alone. Mother had told me she would be staying at Snape's house after they were finished at the Ministry but I couldn't help but worry.

So after getting changed into a T-shirt that says 'Roses are red, Violets are blue, I have five fingers, the middle ones for you' and black skinny jeans along with some high tops and putting my hair in a high ponytail, I flooed (ha that's a funny word. Give me the flooed!) to Diagonal alley.

I went over to a stand selling copy's of the Daily Prophet and bought one.

I went over to the ice-cream place and bought some ice cream and sat down with the news paper. I opened it up on the page titled 'Harry Potter: The boy who told the truth?' That didn't sound good. The page read:

'For a year now the famous Harry Potter, the boy who lived, has been telling us You-Know-Who is back. Many people didn't believe him and criticised him on being an attention seeker. But was he telling the truth.

Last night, at the Ministry of magic, a crowd of people saw you-know-who himself disappear with none other than Bellatrix Lestrange herself.

They had been searching for a very important item in the department of mysteries. They had tricked Harry Potter into coming and retrieving the item himself. A group of Death Eater's then tried to grab the item from Harry.

Sirius Black, now proven innocent of all charges, was killed during the events, when ever him and many other people, such as known werewolf, Remus Lupin and Albus Dumbledore him self came to protect Harry and a group of teenagers.

This is all the information we have from that night but we are able to answer other questions.

Such as the item was destroyed during the night. We can reveal that not only Harry Potter went but along with him were, Hermione Granger, Ron Weasley, Ginny Weasley, Neville Longbottom and Luna Lovegood.

We can also reveal that Death Eaters were arrested, such as Lucius Malfoy, who is well known in the ministry.'

I gasped at this. They didn't mention mother bit what if they had both been arrested? What will Draco and I do? I kept reading on to see if there was any news on mother.

'Though some Death Eaters were arrested and others apperated before anyone else came, three certain figures were very suspicious.

They disappeared as soon as Albus Dumbeldore and others appeared and apparently flooed to a house before any one else came and found them. A source that was inside the Ministry said that they looked around the size of a teenager but are very likely Death Eaters themselves.

Also Dolores Umbridge has been taken out of Hogwarts school and been replaced once again by Albus Dumbledore.'

I finished the page in shock and relief. The shock was because they had found Chloe, Rebekah and I suspicious and the relief because they didn't know much about what we looked like and Umbridge was gone so I could go back to school and ask Dumbledore if I could do my O.W.L's (which I had been studying for).

I got up and walked over to Weasley's Wizard Wheezes and told them about about my father and Umbridge and that I'd be leaving. Though they seemed to already know, most likely because their brother and sister were there and most likely their father as well.

I went up to the room I had been staying in and got my stuff ready to go back to Hogwarts.

* * * * * *

It was now summer. I was at Malfoy Manor with mother, Draco, Beccy and Chloe.

I had gone back to Hogwarts for a while and finished my O.W.L's.

Everyone had been talking about the Dark Lord and all which was quite boring.

Luckily no one matched up the fact that it was Chloe, Beccy and I there that night. In fact some Gryffindors started rumours that it was Draco, Crabbe and Goyle.

I hadn't talked to Harry, though I had been being mean to him more. Even if I did feel bad about his godfather I was still angry he sent my dad to Azkaban.

We had all got our O.W.L results and we had promised to show each other the results.

Rebekah went first. She opened the letter that Sphere had given her and open the letter. She scanned through it and grinned at us.

"O's in everything!" she sqealed. I hrinned at her and so did Chloe and Draco. She was definitely the smartest out of all of us.

Chloe opened her letter that Cole had given her. She scanned over it and looked at us happily.

"O's in everything except Defends against the dark arts which I got an A in" she smiled.

"Well no wonder, you started talking about crazy stuff during that. When it asked her 'what are the signs of a werewolf?' she wrote down 'when you can see wrackspurts jumping around them it means they are a werewolf" Beccy giggled.

Chloe scowled. "Its true, daddy told me" she insisted. We rolled our eyes.

Draco took his letter that he had received from our family's eagle. She scanned it and let out a sigh of relief.

"I failed Care of Magical Creatures, got an A in Herbology, E in Charms, History of Magic and Ancient Ruins and the rest are O's" he said. This was actually quite good for him. I think I stole most of the brains.

I looked at my letter. Our eagle had gave it to me. I quickly opened it. I scanned my eyes over it and smirked that oh so famous Malfoy smirk.

"I got O's in everything but History of Magic which I got an E in" I said. They all grinned at me. I couldn't wait for sixth year to start.

I just worried that the Dark Lord was holding a grudge against my family because my father got caught. Hopefully he wouldn't do anything about it. He probably wouldn't, my family always went after him, he wouldn't put any of us onto a suicide mission or anything close.

How wrong I was.


Too short??? Sorry just wanted to update so none of my friends would murder me tomorrow! Thanks for reading.

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