Chapter 20

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*Chloe's P.O.V*

It was soon. I don't know when. But I do know its soon.

We had been helping Draco finish the vanishing cupboard because Dumbledore had told us to.

It was complete and we were waiting for the message from Dumbledore to tell us what night.

Scorp was even more stressed because she now knew there was no actual way out of being a Death Eater.

Then there was still the whole Fred situation. She'd been telling everyone that it was fine and that she would wait until seventh year but anyone could see that the thing George had mentioned in the letter was bothering her.

Rebekah had been hiding something for definite. The minute Scorp and Draco would arrive to the room of requirements she would bolt from there like she was rushing to meet someone. Or maybe she was guilty about something?

I was still holding a secret that only George knew of. I know I will have to tell Scorp and Beccy soon but I just don't want to put him in danger so if I tell to many people he could be. It wasn't taken well for someone on Dumbledore's side to love a Death Eater and vice versa. If any of the other Death Eater's found out he would be either pressured into becoming one or be killed and I sure as hell didn't want either of those to happen to him.

Today is my birthday but I'll surprised if any of them remember with all the preparing and stuff going on now.

I got up and put on a white T-shirt with a bloody knife and the words 'I'm that friend who will help you hide a dead body. If you betray me, just remember, I know how to hide a dead body', some ripped skinny jeans,  a red jacket and red high tops. I put my hair in a messy ponytail and went down to the common room. I went through the portrait hole and down to the great hall.

I went and sat down at the Gryffindor table. I got some toast and filled my glass with pumpkin juice.

The great hall doors flung open and Rebekah and Scorpia ran in and jumped on top of the Gryffindor table.

"Oooooooooh! Happy Hogwarts birthday" they sang together and made their way up to me.

"Magic wizard birthday!

Fun wizard happy birthday fun fun fun fun!

Magic flavoured birthday cake!

Wizard wished you would make

Happy wizard dance with everyone!


Birthday magic wand!

Party happy birthday!

Wizard party school!

Magic magic wizard magic party!


Party more


Wizard stuff


Hell naw!

I'm pretty sure that's everybody!

Happy Hogwarts birthday!

Wizard school party!

Children eating cakes inside their mouths!

Hogwarts lesson #1

Never not be having fun!

CHILDREN EATING CAKES INSIDE THEIR MOUTHS!" they finished. (A/N I do not own that song, my friend saw it in another fan fiction)

I laughed at their weirdness. They had made their way up to either side of me and they sat in the empty chairs.

" I still don't like that song" Scorp told us.

"Why in" I asked.

"Well I obviously didn't write it because they left Slytherin out. It was all the other Gryffindors. I guess it was because even the mention of Slytherins makes this world explode with awesomeness" she explained. I laughed and shook my head.

"Here this is from both of us" Beccy handed me a wrapped box with a red bow on the top.

I opened it and gasped. It was a necklace with a red and gold lion on it along with a voucher for this muggle tattoo shop. Magic ones always come off and I want a real one so they had pretty much paid for it by giving me the voucher.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you!" I exclaimed, hugging Scorp as Rebekah's smile dropped. She was holding the letter. She showed us the letter and our smiles dropped and we stopped hugging.

"Dear girls,


                                    yours sincerely,

                                    you-know-who (no not that you-know-who the one with hair).

He was trying to be funny at the end but I just couldn't bring myself to smile. It was from Dumbledore. Tonight was the night.

Tonight was the night that I left Hogwarts for the summer.


We left the room of requirements with the Death Eaters, while making the room go dark with the powder Fred and George had given us.

We split up from the rest and went to the astronomy tower with Draco following us.

We got there the moment Dumbledore arrived. I looked down and seen a foot sticking out from the grass. It was obviously Harry. I quickly used my wand to make it disappear before anyone else saw it.

"Expelliarmus!" Scorp exclaimed. Dumbledore's wand flew out of his hand. She hesitantly lifted her wand, knowing Snape would come in in a minute and that she wouldn't actually have to do anything.

Snape came out and Dumbledore faked shock.

"Severus" he said. Snape lifted his wand and Scorp, Beccy, Draco and I gulped.

"Avada Kedavra" he said and Dumbledore fell of the astronomy tower. We looked around and we- meaning all the Death Eaters- ran out of the place and to the front of the castle.

We were stopped by Harry but Snape quickly stopped him. Then we ran. And ran. And ran.

I don't think I've ever been more scared in my life.


There's an update. Sorry I haven't updated in a while. Hope its long enough. Tell me what house your in!!!

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