Chapter 29

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*Scorpia's P.O.V*

I ran with Chloe, Fred and George down the halls. Good old Hogwarts.

We soon ran into Percy, the git Fred and George call a brother. He looks worried and sad.

"I'm sorry for not believing you and being on the ministry's side. I was an idiot. Can you forgive me?" he asked. Fred and George looked at him.

"Only if you admit to being the biggest prat the world has ever seen" Fred tells him. I nod my head in approval. He smiles at me.

"I, Percy Weasley, am the biggest prat to roam the world" Percy said, putting his hands up in mock surrender. We laugh and I go forward.

"Nice to meet you, Percy. I'm Scorpia Weasley. You may know me better as a Malfoy but I have recently married your brother, Fred. Which makes you my brother-in-law" I tell him. He shakes my hand.

"Good to meet you Scorpia. Welcome to the family of the many Weasley's" he tells me. Chloe stepped forward.

"I'm Chloe Finnigan, you probably know me as Chloe Lovegood but I am now married to Seamus" she tells him. He nods and shakes her hand.

"Good to meet you Chloe" he said. Rebekah comes running up to us. Her eyes are red and blotchy and tears were starring down her face.

"Guys, Lupin and Tonks... Ellie Lestrange... killed... then Bellatrix... aims for me... Ellie dead... need help... carrying... bodies" she says through the tears. Her voice is muffled. I gave her a hug.

"I'll help her carry the bodies" George volunteers.

"I've already got Lupin and Tonks... we just need help with some others" she tells him. He nods and they run outside again.

We continue running until we bump into Harry, Hermione and Ron. They all look at us.

"Expelliarmus!" Harry shouts. My wand flies out of my hand. "Perfictus totalus!" I'm now frozen.

"Harry leave my wife alone! Godric that makes me sound old! Stop casting spells at her! Do you think I'd marry a Death Eater?" he asked.

"How do you know she's not lying? She didn't tell her about what she really was until I sent a note telling her I knew what she was!" Harry exclaimed. Chloe pointed at him.

"That was you?" Chloe asked. Harry nodded meekly. "Ah well, let bygones be by bygones, right?"

That's when we seen them. It was that Death Eater that had taken over the job as Minister of Magic. Then there were a few other randomers. Fred quickly un-froze me.

We ran to each others sides and started yelling curses, hexes, jinxes and any other kind of spell at them.

"Stupefy!" I yelled, after picking up my wand. The Death Eater flew back and I used this as an advantage to freeze him. Percy took out the last one, the Minister.

"Oh yeah and I quit" Percy told him. Fred, Chloe and I laughed.

"That's a good one Perce. You nev-" he started. That's when it all came down. I was standing right behind the wall. Harry, Hermione, Ron, Chloe and Percy jumped to the side.  Fred jumped to me, trying to push me out of the way. The wall collapsed on both of us.

I felt his arms still wrapped around me.

"Scorpy?" he muttered, weakly. I opened my eyes and looked at him.

"I hid a thousand galleons under the-" I closed my eyes.

"Scorpy" he muttered again. His voice came out weak. The impact of the wall was becoming too much for both of us, I could feel it.

"Just kidding" I said. My voice CE out as a rasp whisper. He chuckled weakly.

"I love you, Fred" I told him. Again my voice coming out weak.

"I love you too, Scorpia" he told me. Then darkness took over me and I knew they would be the last I said.


*Rebekah's P.O.V*

After getting some of the bodies away and into the great hall, I went back to find Fred, Scorpia and Chloe. George followed me closely behind.

We walked over and I seen Chloe. She had one tear running down her face and Seamus was hugging her. ONE tear. She never cries. Something REALLY bad must have happened.

"What happened?" I asked. She looked up at me with sad eyes.

"Scorpia and Fred... the wall... dead" she mumbled. George stiffened behind me. I looked at Chloe in horror.

Was it true? Was my best friend since I was 11 really gone? The first one I told about the time I had a crush on Cedric? The girl I told every secret I had to? The girl that would comfort me when I missed my parents? The girl who swore on her life she would protect me until she was gone? She was dead. She wasn't coming back. I never even got to say goodbye. I wasn't even there. I was just carrying some dead bodies that anyone else could have got. I could have been there and stopped it from happening. My best friend in the whole world was gone and I would never, EVER see her again.

It took minutes for that thought to sink in. It just wasn't possible. It couldn't be the truth. But it was. I broke down crying. George comforted me. His eyes were red and millions of tears were streaming down his face as well. He had lost his twin. Fred. The guy who had made me laugh no matter what. The one that loved Scorpia to Mars and back. The one who died with her.

The next thing I know we're all walking towards the great hall. Dead bodies are everywhere. I see Scorp's body with Fred's arms still around her waist. Then I spot another familiar body.

"Sevy?!" I scream. I run toward the familiar black haired body that I love when everyone else hates him. The one I always looked up to no matter all his mistakes. The one who had died because he thought no one would care. He would always mutter that no one cared to himself. Its the reason he was never scared to risk his life. I always told him that I cared. And I always have. When everyone said he was a greasy haired git, I would tell them otherwise. When someone said he was the worst teacher, I would teach them something. But here he was. My idol. The only one left in my family. The only person I had for 11 years of my life.

The tears streamed down my face once again. I had lost so many important people tonight.

I felt Chloe's presence behind me. She was trying to comfort me but it wasn't working.

Then everyone started going outside. There were rumours flying everywhere. But one stood out the most. 'Harry Potter is dead'.

I looked up at the bushy face of Hagrid. Tears were getting lost in the tangles of hair he had. He was holding the body of a boy I had once despised. But then I learnt not to hate. I learnt that he had had it tough as well.

"Harry Potter is dead!" Voldemort announced. He who is scared of the name is scared of the person itself. "Join my side or die! Those who come over now will be welcomed. Those who come over later will not be so lucky."

Harry may be dead but I haven't lost my hope. I'm not scared of that no nosed freak. Because nothing will change if I die. No one will care. Well maybe Chloe but she has Seamus. I have no one.

My heart dropped when Draco stepped forward.

"Draco don't join the no nosed freaks side!" I exclaimed. Now pretty much everyone's eyes are on me.

"Rebekah, be quiet, your just getting yourself in trouble. Do you want him to kill you?" Draco asked. I looked over at him with sorrow and anger.

"I have no one to live for! They're all gone thanks to him! Everyone except one person! At least don't so this, Draco! In memory of Scorpia" I pleaded. The faces of Draco, Narcissa and Lucius snapped in my direction.

"What happened to Scorpia?" Draco asked, his voice trembeling.


Well that was unexpected. Get it. You know the title and all. Ah forget it. I've been planning my death since the start of the book. It was kind of sad, you know, killing the character that represented me. I did cry a bit when writing this. It was just so sad for me! Anyway thanks for reading!

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