Chapter 19

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*Scorpia's P.O.V*

We were all back to normal. Well as normal as we can all be.

Fred and I still weren't talking. George wasn't talking to me because apparently he had told Fred what had happened and now Fred wouldn't talk to him.

I didn't understand that. I mean he's the one who cheated on me and was all mean to me but now he's angry at George? Fred really confuses me.

I had told Draco about Fred. Well I hadn't, Beccy did. She was talking to Draco and she accidentally said "I really wish I could have a relationship like Fred and Scorp's but then again even their relationship didn't end well". Yeah I was about to murder her until Chloe did these weird thing where she twirls around, puts your arm around your back and pushes it up until you tell her what you want (A/N I don't know if its real but it does work, trust me I learnt that the hard way).

Now that we are all friends again we decided to go ahead with our 'special plan'.

I knew it would disappoint my mother and father but I'm sick of doing what they say and living up to their expectations.

Its always 'Draco did this' and 'Draco did that'. Its like they don't even notice I'm smarter and stronger than him. Its all about him being the boy in the family and passing down the Malfoy name. Draco has ever had one crush in his life and he won't tell me who it is and I think he still has it!

I never WANTED to be a Death Eater. Rebekah felt the pressure of being one by her brother being one even though he told her not to, she says she feels like he's secretly judging her and seeing if she'll mess up her life on her own. Then there's Chloe. Poor Chloe. Everyone in her family resorted to something to get over her mum. Her dads was his precious Quibbler. Luna's was mythical creatures. Then Chloe's was the dark arts. She got so deep into the books she forgot what it would be like to actually have to do this to anyone. She didn't think about actually being a Death Eater, she thought about being a character as a Death Eater. Everyone knows the character of a Death Eater always survives. But not in real life.

It took us all a while to figure this but we all did. That's why we all have to meet with Dumbledore today.

I got up and put on my skirt, white shirt, Slytherin tie, Slytherin robes and a pair of green high tops. I put my wavy blonde hair into a high ponytail and let my side fringe cover bits of my right eye.

I went down to the common room, through the portrait hole, walked through the dungeons and up to the great hall that was packed with teenagers.

I walked up to the Gryffindor table and sat next to Beccy and Chloe. I put some toast on my plate and grabbed the pumpkin juice.

Just as I was about to bite into my toast, I heard the swooping of owls. I looked up and seen all the owls come in. Sphere handed Rebekah her Daily Prophet which she always got for any news on Death Eater's being caught. Cole handed Chloe a bag of skittles which she got every day. Then something crashed into my plate.

I looked down to see and out of date owl that looked exhausted. I recognised him as Errol, whom I had watched Fred receive a letter from countless times.

"Ron, has your owl lost its sense of direction as well as every other sense?" I asked, handing him the owl. He looked at the front of the letter and shook his head.

"Its says Scorpia" he said. I furrowed my eyebrows wondering who the hell in the Weasley family would want to talk to me.

I opened the letter and groaned. Rebekah, Chloe and Ron looked at me.

"Its from George" I explained. I had been hoping it would be Fred. No matter how much of a jerk he was, I missed him.

"What's wrong with George?" Ron asked, angrily. Harry nodded, agreeing on that question.

"Did you maybe think that I hoped it was his twin and didn't want to read a whole page about everything was a mistake?" I asked, annoyed they were being such nosy people.

"What happened that's a mistake?" Ron asked, curiously. I raised an eyebrow. I thought his whole family would know by now. I looked down, thinking about what I had just brought up.

"She kind of... er... kissed... George" Beccy told him. Harry and Ron sat forward.

"You cheated on Fred?" Harry asked.

"You didn't know?" Chloe asked.

"Know what?"

"That Fred cheated on Scorp with Angelina and when she saw them she asked what was going on and he said something about running back to a leprechaun. Then when she went to leave George stopped her, brought her up for a hot chocolate and they kissed. That's why Chloe wasn't talking to her" Beccy explained. Ron and Harry looked at her in confusion. Chloe nudged me.

"Read the letter" she said. I opened the letter and began to read out loud.

"Dear Scorpia,

I'm sorry about what happened and it was a total mistake. Mum found out and went ballistic at Fred. I think you and Fred should talk because I found out something interesting that I would prefer Fred tell you.

                                  yours sincerely,


I finished reading and sighed. I knew I needed to talk to Fred but I was going to wait until the plans were behind me.

"Come on, our meeting with Dumbledore is soon" I told Rebekah and Chloe.

We gathered our stuff and went up to his office. We had asked Dumbledore to meet him and he had agreed.

I opened the door to his office and we all walked in.

"We don't want to be Death Eater's anymore" I told him and we all showed him our dark marks.

"I knew none of you three were on the dark side, and I already have a plan but you must stick to the plan no matter what" Dumbledore told us. So he already knew but Dumbledore knew everything.

He told us the plan and we nodded and that is when we found out Dumbledore's plans which beat the Dark Lord's plans because as usual he was one step ahead of everyone.

That night is the night I found out that Severus Snape, older brother of my friend Rebekah Snape and our defence against the dark arts teacher, would kill Albus Dumbledore, the best headmaster in Hogwarts history.


I have to be a Ravenclaw tomorrow for world book day at our school because I don't own a Slytherin tie!!! Hope you like the update!! Thanks for reading Potterheads!!!

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