Chapter 6

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*Scorpia's P.O.V*

I lay against the grass, with Fred next to me. His arm was draped around my shoulders.

"Scorpia" he said.

"Yeah?" I asked, tiredly. Hey, it was like midnight! Well around then, all I knew was we weren't supposed to be here.

"Will you be my girlfriend?" he asked, nervously. I was taken aback by the sudden question.

He seemed to take my lack of words differently.

"I mean you don't have to it's jus-" he started but I cut him off.

"I would love to but let's only tell George, Beccy, Chloe and a few others. If Draco finds out he'll go mad and hurt you, then he might tell father and that's going to get both me and you in trouble" I said.

"Okay" he grinned. I looked at the time on my watch.

"I better get going, happy Valentines day" I told him.

I got up and waved. He waved back and said "night Scorpy".

I got to admit, I love hearing that nickname but only from him. Anyone else and I would hurt them really bad. But its cute from him, like when couples give each other nicknames. Oh Godric, don't tell me we'll be one of those couples.

I went back to my the Slytherin common room and slid up to my room.

I got changed into my Slytherin pyjamas and got into bed.

All I could think about was, Fred Weasley MY boyfriend.

That made me giddy inside. Godric, now I'm GIDDY as well now. Please help me.


I walked down to the great hall. It was a Sunday so only a few people were up.

My hair was in its naturally wavy state. I was wearing a T-shirt with the muggle band The Script on it. I know your thinking, being a Malfoy and all how do I know of them. But Chloe loves them and dragged Beccy and I to a muggle concert. I also had on some black jeans and high tops.

I was going over to the Slytherin table when I heard a call from the Gryffindor table.

"Scorpy" the familiar voice called. I turned around and went over to the table.

"Hey" I said and sat down next to George, who was one of the few already at the table.

"Hey Scorpy, how are you? George couldn't come, he's still sleeping just you and me" he said. Oh, he was pretending to be Fred.

I hit him twice over the head.

"Hey what was that for?" he glared, playfully.

"One was for pretending to be Fred. I can tell the difference between you two you know and two you called me Scorpy, no one calls me Scorpy except Fred" I huffed. He grinned.

"Only Fred, huh" he smirked.

"I'm guessing Fred still hasn't told you" I said.

"Told me what?"

"Never mind"

"Tell me"






"What are you arguing about?" Fred asked, coming down.

"Is there something you would like to tell me?" George asked.

"Oh... yeah Scorpy's my girlfriend now" he mumbled, blushing as red as his hair.

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