"Keep This a Secret" Part 2 - Chapter 10

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I know that's like the most common excuse to hurt somebody, but its the truth! Gabrielle hasn't done any harm to me. I just hated it how she had everything handed to her on a silver platter. It wasn't fair that she had it good while I had a horrible life. My mom died when I was 12, my dad abuses me constantly! I have no free time except here.

"Get up you cry baby!" Georgia sighed as she pulled me from the floor. "Yeah. You have a bad family. Not all families are perfect. But I'm pretty sure that your family loves you."

"Yeah right." I scoffed, wiping my face. "My dad hits me at home constantly, my other family members ignore me and I'm an only child. I can just feel the love when I'm at home." I said sarcastically. "Love is nothing but bs in my opinion."

"No, that's not true. You'll find someone to love you. It just takes time. But you have friends that love you, right?"

"Nope." I sighed. "Yeah, I'm around them all the time, but none of them knows me completely. It's hard for me to trust anyone."

"...Well, you have someone now." I looked at her as she grabbed my hand. "If you needed a friend, you should've said so. Now, tell me everything."

"You'd think I'm the Devil incarnate after."

"Try me." I rolled my eyes and told her my life story. It's pretty sad. I was an evil child when I was younger. I had cut my dad's computer cable with scissors when I was five. I set our house on fire when I was nine. I tried to kill my cousin in my eleventh birthday. But that's a different story. I actually had a good reason to kill her that day.

"Wow. You were the Devil incarnate." Georgia sighed as she shook her head. "Okay, now explain the situation with Gabrielle."

"Georgia, as my new friend, you have to promise me that you won't tell." I warned as she rolled her eyes.

"I understood that the last time. Now spill." 

"I was basically blackmailed by someone to jump Gabrielle." Her eyes went wide as she looked back at the door. She quickly opened it before she closed it again.

"Who blackmailed you and why?"

"Before I tell you who, here's the reason why. It was the summer of 2015..."


It was John Carter's Summer Reality Bash at the beach. It was the party of the year and everyone was invited. And of course, I was invited because I was extremely popular at the time. Let's just say that everyone, or a good majority of us, had gotten drunk out of our minds.

I didn't remember anything that night. But when I woke up, I was in a bed naked next to John Carter's sister. The bad part, she was naked. The worst part, there was another girl standing in front of the bed. 

I begged her not to tell anyone about this. She said that she won't, but this will be good for future use.


"A year and a half has passed, and I recieve something in my mailbox. It was the pictures from that night and a flashdrive. Attached to the drive was a note that said "Watch in private." I'm not going to go into details, but it was exactly what you think it might be." I sighed as I looked down. "Then we met up at a 'secret location' and she told me that I had to jump Gabrielle or she would leak the pictures and the video."

"Rachel, I'm so sorry that happened to you." Georgia said as she patted my back. I took a deep breath and sighed. My chest began to hurt as it became impossible to breathe.

"Don't be. Because the girl who did it is going to rot in Hell way worse than me."

"Really? Who was it?" I looked up and turned my body towards her. 

"The girl who made me do was Justice. Justice Morrison."

A/N: Part 3 coming up next!

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