"Keep This a Secret" - Chapter Nine

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'Dont do anything stupid right now Darren.' I thought to myself as I stood up and sat back in my chair.

"I'll be right back with your lunch in a sec." I told her as I tried not to stumble to the door. As soon I was halfway gone, I released a breath I didn't know I was holding in.

"Gabrielle is gonna drive me insane."


A few minutes later, Darren came in with my lunch and my paperwork from my other teachers. I took all of my stuff and went in his office. I didn't want anyone to see me like this.

"I hate being weak..." I groaned as I roughly bit into a carrot. I need to find out who sabotaged me and why. "I will get to the bottom of this."


"Hey, has anyone seen Justice anywhere?" I asked a group in the cafeteria as they all shook their heads. I groaned in anger as I walked out. She had my notes for AP Bio and I needed them badly.

As soon as I was headed upstairs, I accidentally bumped into someone. I looked up, it was Rachel. She looked like she'd seen the devil himself.

"Your face is pale. Are you okay?" I asked as she looked around. She grabbed my arm and pushed me in the janitor's closet, closing the door behind her.

"I just had the biggest reality check ever. What I'm about to tell you stays between us. You hear me Georgia Rose?" She said as she pointed a finger at me.

"I got it Rachel Payne. Now spill!" I pushed her finger down roughly.

"Well, it involves the situation with Gabrielle earlier..."

"Rachel.." I said as my eyes went wide in realization. "You jumped Gabrielle?!"

"Shh!" She said quickly. "People might hear us!"

"I don't care! You jumped that innocent girl for no reason. You should be ashamed of yourself. What has she ever done to you?!"

"It's not her. I actually adore Gabrielle-"

"Adore?!" I laughed. "You can't be serious? You've been bullying that girl since elementary. How is that adoring someone! Are you really that dumb?" This girl cannot be serious.

"I am telling the truth-"

"Then why Rachel? Why!"

"Because she has everything I don't-"

"Like what?!" I yelled, annoyed at this stupid situation I was in. All I wanted was my notes. "What does she have that you don't?!"

"A family who actually cares for her!" Rachel broke down, falling to her knees and crying.

This was when I realized that I was the first person ever to see her break down. And, even though it might sound mean, she deserved it.

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