We Have A Substitute?!?! - Chapter One

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“Gabrielle, get down here. You’re gonna be late!” my mom yelled.

I didn’t want to go to school. Only because I have one class that always have a different teacher everyday. They’re either mean or old. I only have one class where I don’t have a sub and that’s 21st Century Music. I love that class and I love my teacher. It’s just the stupid, slutty-like classmates I have to deal with, despite the fact that I don’t like none of my classmates except one, Justice Morrison. She’s like my sister from another mister. That’s how much we love each other.

I left from my house, saying good-bye and I love you to my mom. I hardly got to see my dad but I’m okay with it. I pulled up to Justice’s house and she runs outside, jumping into my car.

“Hey, Brie, did you hear?”

“If it’s about what happened at the concert, I wasn’t trying to ----”

“No, not that. Wait, what? Nothing. I was talking about 21st Century Music.” We started pulling out while I said,“What about it?”

“We have a sub---”

“Oh. My. God. Why do I always have substitute teachers in all my classes?”

“Look, maybe he’s not that bad of a --”

“The sub is a man. Just great!”

We pulled up in the student parking lot as we finished our conversation. I went to my History class first, since I have 21st Century freaking 4th period, which is my longest class, then after that I have my free periods. My free periods are between 1st and 2nd, after 4th and my very last hours of the day. Lucky me huh? Not a lot of people get free periods like this. The bell rings for History class to start. We’re talking about the French and Indian War.

Here we go again.

*After first period and the few after*

Now, 21st Century Music! I walk really slow into class on purpose. When I get there, the sub is taking role, while I’m walking in class with my head down.

“How may I help you?”

“I’m in this class. I don’t need your help.”

“What’s your name and look up at me.”

“Gabrielle McConaughey.” I said while still looking down.

“Look up at me please?” I look at him, but then I start to stare.

My Teacher Mr. Criss |Darren CrissOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora