Do I Like Him?/Do I Like Her? - Chapter Two

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I look at my sub and I go weak in the knees. Everything about him. What is going on?

His eyes, brown and beautiful. His smile, to die for. His outfits, where does he get them?

"Okay, Gabrielle? Yes, that's right. Go have a seat."

"Okay, Mr.?"

"Criss. Mr. Criss."

I start to walk faster towards Justice. "What was that about? You look like you fell in love or something."

"I don't know. I'm freaking out! I don't know what to do!!" I whisper yelled.

"Okay class, I see here that your teacher says that the sub has to know how to sing or play an instrument."

"Well, all the subs we have sucks. You might suck too."

A stupid girl I didn't like said that. I wanted to slap her so bad because I really want to know if he can.

"Well, lucky for you guys, I can do both. I played guitar for years and I've sung for many years. I'm not that old, so I'll sing something that everyone knows." He strums the strings of his guitar and starts to play Barton Hollow by The Civil Wars (In external link).

"Before I start to sing, I need a volunteer to sing with me. How about you Gabrielle? Since you were late."

"Umm....Okay. I guess so." I got up and stood  next to him. "We're gonna start in 3,2,1.." and then we both start singing.

His voice is amazing and our voices both collaborate so well together.

"Thank you so very much. You may have a seat."

I walk back to my seat, speechless that we never have a sub that can sing that well.

"Wow. He can really sing." I hear Justice say.

"Your teacher says that all of you have to perform your duet song and the first two are Justice and Gabrielle. Come on down."

We walk down from our seats and go on to the floor.

"She says that the both of you are doing Elevator by David Archuleta. Is that correct?"

"Yes." we both say at the same time.

"Okay. You may start." I grab my guitar and start to play while Justice does the introduction to the song.

Darren's POV

Wow, Gabrielle can sing.

So can Justice but Gabrielle sounds a lot better.

Why am I feeling like this? I should feel like I have a connection with a student. It's wrong. What am I gonna do?

I can't be falling in love with a student. It's against the law.

I just won't say anything. Maybe she'll figure it out on her own.

Gabrielle's POV

Our performance was amazing!! We heard cheers all around the room. Even Mr. Criss did.

Why am I getting butterflies looking at him? What if...No! Not that. It's against the law, I think. I don't know. All I know is that we have a connection, I don't know what kind of connection but a connection.

I'll find out sooner or later.

A/N: Tell me whatcha think!!! Also, did anybody watch the premire of Glee? OMG!! I died! :P #Klaine4Life ~Dream_Achieve_Big

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