I feel like I'm about to be lectured. But what could he possibly be talking to me about? “So...I saw you dash out of Mr. C's room...I went in there and asked what happened....Dude! You're smart! It's a miracle!” I crack up and get up from the couch. “Yeah, the whole family's smart! It's about time you all realized I have the same genes!” It's meant to be a joke. It doesn’t come out that way.

“Sorry,” Ryan apologizes first. I shake my head. “It's okay. I didn't really show it, I guess. But hey, I might be in some of your classes now.” We both roll after I say that.

“Are you gonna have to stop getting a tutor after that?” I shrug, but it dampens my mood. I was starting to get attached to Peyton. But I'm sure that I won't do any better in AP classes. She'll still have to be my tutor. Still, would it be as impressive to tutor a failing student or a high-leveled student? I'm not sure which would look better on an application.

I go to the kitchen where my mom's making supper. Or, I think that's what it is. To me it's just making a mess. “Mom, why don't you take a break? I'll make dinner tonight.” She hesitates, but eventually grins and throws an apron at me.

The next thing I know, Ryan and Kelsey are helping. Even when I know they have tons of homework, they're still willing to help me. I guess this is just symbolizing that if I get into higher-level classes, they'll drop what they're doing to help me.

It's nice to know I can count on my smarter siblings.


“I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America. And to the Republic, for which it stands, One Nation, under God, indivisible, with Liberty and justice for all.” Everyone in homeroom takes their seats after saying the pledge of allegiance and after birthdays are announced, Ms. York has something else to say that makes my heart stop beating. That, or it's beating so fast I can't even feel it. It's not good either way.

“Adam Greene, report to my office, immediately following announcements.” Then the announcements are over. And so I guess that's my cue.

What could she want to talk to me about? I was originally thinking it was about class switches but I now recall something about yesterday. Could this be about trashing the school? The thing I didn't do?

I open the door to her office.

"Take a seat." she says without looking at me. I hesitantly sit in the seat, but then I relax. It's just Ms. York. I'm not scared of her.

Her head that was buried in a blue binder now looks up at me. "Mr. Calaway tells me you're smart. What crap are you pulling on us, Adam?" I stifle a laugh. "Nothing." It's all I can think of to say.

She shakes her head with a sigh and looks down at the binder again. I realize it's probably my files or something. "If you can show improvement, like we've been talking about with Peyton, then we will let you move up to A.P classes." It sounds like a great deal; I get to still see Peyton and I get to be in higher level classes.

But I'm not sure I want to have harder work. "If I move up to higher level courses, you know I'll probably still need a tutor. Would it be look better on Peyton's application if she tutored a student failing in A.P classes or in regular classes?" Ms. York looks almost intrigued now. She purses her lips. "I guess it would look more impressive. But, Adam, tell me you're not purposely trying to annoy her." I smirk and get up, resting my hand on the doorknob. "Who else is supposed to annoy her?"

When I walk out, I realize that what I said had more truth to it than what I intended. Everyone loves her. Star student, star athlete, all the boys are crazy about her.

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