The Beginning of Naruto's Deception

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The first place he entered was a large training ground with seals all over the walls. They were reminiscent of those in ANBU Training Ground #9, making Naruto guess that they had the same purpose when activated. Naruto then noticed a door at the other end of the area.

It opened to an area that was definitely outside of the area that the house belonged to. Naruto shook that off and saw a seemingly endless stairwell. He frowned and was about to ask when he was interrupted.

"It is endless. It was made that way so any person who managed to get down here will never manage to find the items. Do you see the seals on the floor? It will continue leading down endlessly and if they go too far down, the passage up would have been shut and they would never return, trapped in here until they die of starvation," Minato told him.

'I see. So are those pretty "designs" on the wall the runes that open up to the place?' Naruto guessed when he noticed the intricate artwork.

Although it would seem rather insignificant to most as there was more wall art further down on the stairwell, only this one concealed the runes. The rest were just beautiful pictures that may or may not depict anything of importance. Perhaps it could be said that their function was to, at the same time, beautify and camouflage the runes.

"Indeed. They are unlocked by my chakra. By extension, you and my father were the only others who would ever have been able to access it. No other living Uchiha would be able to as they are not of the main bloodline. The members of the main family were not as power-hungry as their branch family counterparts. However, we were much more powerful and tended to have very different opinions from the rest. I believe that you should know that excessive usage of the Mangekyō causes blindness to the user. The only way to prevent this is for the person to replace their eyes with that of another Mangekyō user," Minato explained, ending up telling more than Naruto asked.

'I see... I find that that would explain a lot, seeing how the Uchiha seem like a bunch of stuck-up pricks, except Obito, Shisui and Itachi,' Naruto commented.

All he received were mere chuckles from his father.

Naruto placed his hand on the wall, channelling a small amount of chakra into it. He watched as the runes lit up, a portal swirling with yellow flames opening up.

"I based it off the Hiraishin. It leads to a place hidden in the clouds. Literally. You will see," Minato explained.

Naruto nodded mutely as he stepped into the portal, finding himself in front of a gate that swirled with a portal identical to the one in the basement of the Namikaze compound. He saw that clouds were, quite literally, billowing about. He was even standing on one, the mist obscuring his line of sight although he could faintly see the sky and a white structure off in the distance.

"No one can enter this place without your permission. Time-space ninjutsu of any kind does not work unless the thing it is teleporting either contains no chakra (it is an object) or it is teleporting you or a clone. The jutsu needs to be done with your chakra, though. Well, mine works too but you get the point," Minato explained, proud of his work.

'I can sense that there is a form of fūinjutsu barrier around this place. I am assuming that this is a place in the sky that you used fūinjutsu to make seem like empty space or part of the clouds by using a few seals or a strong, complex genjutsu to prevent anyone from finding the barrier?' Naruto said.

"That is very close! Only this place is also always floating around within similar altitudes. I was originally trying to create a pocket dimension, but this was what I got instead," Minato said with mild disappointment.

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