Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

Guys, this chapter is dedicated to @raywhite012, the first person to comment on my story. So go follow her and read her amazing works. <3


I lay still in my bed, clutching the duvet close to my chest in my balled up fists. There are two people in here; Matt and someone else whose voice I don't recognise. It is a deep, nasally voice that sounds like chalk. And it disgusts me. Not only do the sound of their voices disgust me deeply, but the words coming from their mouth disgust me.

I listen closely, not daring to move from my position. It gets uncomfortable after a while, but I can't move. I'm a still as a stone. It started something likes this:

Matt: "Why is Josh here?"

Nameless: "Do you think they..."

Matt: "No! Of course not. She's injured. He wouldn't do that to her when she's hurt."

Nameless: "Hah. Guy must be a real sucker."

I set my jaw, seizing the blankets in my sweaty hands. What right to they have to gossip about me like that? Especially since I've been nothing but nice to him.

"Hey, mate, thanks for setting fire to the place," that's what Matt says. My heart halts in my chest for a second, then starts rapidly beating so loudly I wonder if they can hear it.

"Any time. And hey," the other guy says, "maybe now she won't be in your way so much." They both share a laugh.

By now, every muscle in my body is tense. My jaw is clenched, my teeth are set, my toes and fingers as crushed up.

"Now all we have to do is get rid of him," Matt's British accent states.

I don't know who 'him' is. I have a good educated guess, though. My mind plays scenarios over and over again where I am punching Matt and the faceless guy to a pulp. I can't do that. But I want to. I can't cry. But I need to. I can't move. But I have to.

"Cmon, Rhett, let's go," Matt says.

Rhett. So that's Asshole Number Two's name. As soon as the door closes shut, I bolt up in my bed, breathing heavily. Jen is still asleep and oblivious to the world, and I walk over to her, sitting down in her bed. I start to stroke her hair.

That's when the door opens. I tense up. At first my mind registers it to be Matt or Rhett but it is just Sam. He gives me a smile. A smile that doesn't quite reach his eyes. I am thankful for him trying, though.

"Slept here, didn't you?" he asks.

I nod my head. "I couldn't leave her."

"I know," is all he says. He walks over to where I am, sitting next to her. "Have you spoken to her yet?"

"She woke up yesterday. Matt was there ..." I trail off.

"Oh." He knows exactly why I said that; because we both love Jen and only one of us can have her. That's when I realise that Matt doesn't really love her. He did all this. He cause all this pain. If I could just take his neck and strangle it until he-

"Josh, you okay?" Sam asks me.

My tense muscles relax and my voice comes out strainy. "Yeah, fine." I clear my throat. "Why?"

"You looked like you were about to murder someone."

I chuckle, looking down. That's when I feel rustling besides me.

"'Morning, Josh," she says, yawning.

"Good morning, beautiful."

She takes notice of Sam. "Josh, who's that?" She makes an attempt at sitting up but she can't. She's tied down by too many chords and medical stuff.

"I'm Sam..." he looks up at me with pitiful eyes as if to say, She doesn't remember me.

I shake my head sadly. "Jen, it's okay. It's just Sam. He was one of your best friends." All is silent. And then Sam leaves the room crying, unable to take it anymore. The tears collect in my eyes but I put them away. "Jennifer, I think there's something you should know..."

I can't do it. I can't tell her. Her eyes are so innocent and full of wonder that I can't do it. "Yes?" she says softly, like a puppy whining quietly to get out of its cage. So I change it.

"Matt stopped by this morning to tell you good morning but he had to leave so I'm telling you for him."

"Oh," she says. "Thanks."

"Anything for you," I say.

I may be an actor but I can only lie so much. I just want to get out of this bloody place and cry into my mum's arms. But I can't.

Sorry if this is too short. I didn't get a good night's sleep and I worked on set for like two hours today so I'm exhausted. No I have to go take my shower for a party tonight. My crush is going to be there and I really hope he will ask me to dance. Adios, mates! x

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