16. Guardian Angel

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Pausing for a moment leaning against the nearest wall attempting to catch my breath and gather my thoughts. I wasn't nearly as focused as I wanted to be, and I knew I was still in danger. This could all very well be a trap for Sherlock. No... not necessarily, Moriarty has future plans for Sherlock... so was all of this just a game meant to scare me?

The bigger picture. What is the bigger picture? Moriarty has an end game planned for Sherlock. He said I would be unable to save him... does that mean I'll be present but useless? Or dead and literally unable to help?

"Sherlock is fond of you..." I remember Moriarty saying. He didn't like saying it either. I move away from the wall and grab a metal piece of pipe lying behind a nearby rubbish bin. The Golem can't kill me yet... not until the moment is right. Moriarty wants me to die... and for Sherlock to see it... is that it? Is that what he wants?

I glare at the pipe in my hands angrily, No... I'm not playing his game. Turning on my heels, I jog off, heading away from the cafe and back the way I came. If the Golem is tracking me, I'll run into him in no time. No one hurts Sherlock on my watch.


Hiding behind a rubbish bin, I wait, silently listening for my pursuer. I didn't really have a plan... just sort of general goals. You know, like not dying and killing the Golem as quickly as humanly possible. But I hadn't seen even a glimpse of movement, shadow or sound... the Golem was also waiting. Waiting for me to make a mistake, to make a sound. He was a high ranking assassin after all... I don't know, I still hoped he'd show himself first.

"Ashlyn?!" I hear Sherlocks loud voice echo from about 4 streets away, near where the cafe is.

Idiot... why would you- I freeze spotting the Golem racing through an alley across the street. I take off sprinting in the direction Sherlocks voice came from, spotting the Golem as he bounds across the street to our side of the alleyways.

I bolt forward into the Golems alley leaping on top of a trash bin as he turns down this direction, I can't let him near Sherlock. Lunging forward I jump toward him swinging my pipe aiming for his head, he spins his arm to block it throwing me sideways and sending me crashing through some metal trash bins nearby.

He comes at me but I roll backwards and onto my feet, pipe still in hand, "Catch me if you can." I growl, taking off back the way I came. I have to lead him away from Sherlock first.

The Golem follows, gaining on me with every stride, I whip around a corner where I remember seeing a ladder leading up to one of the shop's roofs. I sprint forward and jump, climbing up halfway for another height advantage as he rounds the corner. Gravity on my side this time I drop feet first knocking him to the ground landing on top of him, I swing my pipe down intending to stab it through his throat but he dodges, the pipe hitting the cement with a booming clang. He strikes grabbing my neck pulling me to the ground beside him as he rolls over the top of me.

He rips the pipe out of my hand, tossing it away before clutching my neck with both hands. I gasp trying to grab at his face to rip out his eyes but his arms are so long, his face just out of reach, grabbing his wrists I try to loosen his grip on my neck while I fight for breath. Kicking a nearby garbage can, it tips over loudly clanging against the pavement. I can't breathe!

With one hand I try to reach for the metal pipe that was lost previously, I could see it faintly in my peripheral vision. It can't end here. I feel the cool metal of the pipe graze my finger tips but it rolls further away. No! Please!

He leans his body weight onto his arms, slowly crushing my air away. It's no use... I can't win... he's going to kill me. I look up at his sneering face as he tightens his hold yet again, cutting off my air completely. Sherlock... My vision blurs as darkness begins to creep around me, threatening to consume me. I'm sorry.

Deductions of my Heart: A Sherlock FanfictionTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang