13. Dangerous Games

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We all head home briefly to shower, change clothes and eat. Then John's off to continue Andrew West's mysterious train jumping death and the missing missile plans.

I watch Sherlock suspiciously as he munches on some toast. Now that he knows Moriarty is the one behind all this... am I supposed to clue him in? Or work with him now? He's obviously not going to back down from the battle... we can't compete against each other at this point.

Sherlock looks at me finally, "Now you're staring at me."

"Thinking." I say tiredly. None of us slept last night, but it felt like I hadn't slept hardly at all this whole week.

"No, you're stressing... your shoulders are tense and your left hand that usually taps your fingers when you're bored isn't tapping. You're worried, most likely because you haven't found a way to stop me from reaching Moriarty yet." He deduces before taking a sip of his tea, his eyes never leaving mine.

I let out a defeated rather dramatic sigh, "I have to make a phone call." I hop up heading to Sherlocks bedroom and close the door. I move to the far corner by the window before I call Mycroft.

"Ashlyn, to what do I owe the pleasure?" Mycroft answers, sounding like it wasn't a pleasure at all.

"It's Sherlock... he knows it's Moriarty. He has made it very clear that he's not backing down from this. We need to let him in, prepare him for what's coming-" I start rambling.

Mycroft cuts me off short, "No. No, I don't want him involved in this. I told you that."

"Mycroft!" I hiss angrily, "He's either going into battle blind or he's going in with our information and a plan. If we bring Sherlock into the loop, there is a possibility we can eliminate Moriarty by the end of the week. If we coordinate together we can finally put an end to this."

"We can't just cut the head off the snake, although I know you want to. We have to shut down his entire organization, we don't have enough data to handle that yet. If we take out Moriarty hundreds of lives and operations will be at risk." Mycroft says firmly.

I take a controlled breath, "What am I supposed to do then hmm? Lock Sherlock up? Forcibly try to restrain him? Honestly... Mycroft listen to reason, I have an idea-"

"No, no more ideas. We had a deal. We can't risk years of hard work and lives lost to entertain the whims of my brother. Keep Sherlock away from Moriarty. You're clever, you'll figure it out." With that, he hangs up.

I clench the phone in my hand, struggling to resist the urge to throw it out the window. If Sherlock battles Moriarty blind, he will lose. If he pushes Moriarty too far, Moriarty will view Sherlock as a threat and take him out. And I will die needlessly trying to save him... what the hell Mycroft?! What kind of plan is this? Distract him? Block Sherlock?! Oh god... this is impossible.

Sherlock knocks on the door poking his head in, "I'm going to help John with the investigation. Want to come?"

I stay facing the window, "No... I've got a few things to do. Just, keep in touch." I say lifting my phone, "Your body guard is just a text away."

"Are you okay?" He asks opening the door wider.

I nod not turning around, "I'm fantastic."

He pauses debating pushing the topic but thankfully closes the door. I stare blankly out Sherlocks bedroom window trying to sort through my thoughts and emotions. There was one more puzzle to go... assuming Moriarty didn't introduce himself before then or lure Sherlock into a trap.

I let out a long breath closing my eyes as I think, What do I do? Should I go see Alexei and see if he has anything else I can use?

My phone vibrates startling me from my trance, I glance at the time which reads nearly noon. I zoned out there for a bit...

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