"I know you put the necklace in his pocket", I said he then stopped and turned back round.

"You think this is all a game?", he squatted down and looked at me, "does this look like a game to you Rose? Was Titanic a game?", he then smiled at me and got up and walked away having the last say. I then put the tub of ice cream down and entered the living room.

The room was warm with the fire cracking. I then put Josephine on the ground near the fire to remain warm. I then laid beside her and started to play.

She is a very happy baby. Always laughs and talks. Never stops smiling. I made funny noises on her stomach and pulled funny faces at her. I tickled her all round. I then held her in the air and flew her around, "come Josephine in my flying machine going up she goes! Up she goes. Balance yourself like a bird on a beam. In the air she goes. There she goes! Up up a little bit higher oh my! The moon is on fire..-", I then paused as mother and Cal were standing in the entrance watching me. I remained frozen looking at them while Josephine was still up high in the air. She just laughed and smiled. She liked looking down. I took a hard swallow.

"Rose! Take Josephine DOWN FROM THERE!", I then immediately brought her down and cuddled her in my arms. Mother just stared at her coldly while she was happily smiling.

"See Ruth no harm done. Rose is fully alive and awake so is the child", Cal then walked past us into the kitchen and raised the fridge, "where's all the ice cream gone?", he yelled out. I just blushed.

"Well I'm glad you've found your energy source and caught up on sleep. That's good. And since you can't make it to any parties cause of the baby. A party will be thrown here tommorow night. A ball. And since it is here you can attend and play games with her all you like. But the ground number one rule is Rose. Don't bring her down to the party. Don't talk about her. Don't even mention anything along those lines. If baby talk or children talk arises. Leave! Is that understood Rose?", I just nodded so she would happy and back off, "good. And try and keep her quite. We don't want anyone to hear and find out about her existence before the wedding", she the left with her parting word. Cal and Ruth then went upstairs and got ready for bed. I have to leave, and now!

I then walked out the door with me getting faster and faster before I bolted down the street with Josephine bouncing in my arms. I must've been running for 10 minutes or so because I hit the outskirts of New York.

It was full of slums and people living on the streets digging stuff from the trash to eat. I then kept walking. More cars and people appeared and the lights were bigger and brighter. I then stood on the corner looking at people going in and out of Christopher's bar. It sure is pumping tonight. I then walk to the door to see two guys drunk as hell laughing and trying to walk together. A blonde women then walked in. I immediately grabbed her arm and pulled her aside.

"Hey! What are you doing?", She shrugged off my arm.

"I need you to give her to Cathleen or Christopher", I placed Josephine in her arms. "They'll know what to do. Chris works at the bar. He looks 19, 21 with brown hair", I described Chris for her, "alright mummy's going now", I then kissed her, "we'll make it count. I'll try and find a way to get back to you I promise", I kissed her again. I then started to cry so I flagged her away. I then started to make my way to Central Park.

Christopher Pov

I continued to serve people's drinks non stop. Then a blonde girl crept up to me holding a child. It was Josephine. I completely froze. How? I completely zoned out and then Cathleen appeared. She took one look at Josie and snatched her from the women.

"How did you get her?" , she barked, "how did you FIND HER?!"

"I..I don't know. A red head women appeared and pulled me aside out front. She placed the child in my arms and told me to find you. She says that you'll know what to do with her. She then kissed her and said her goodbyes and then walked off", me and Cathy were stunned. It was Rose! She found her way into the city and dropped Josephine off to us. Cathy then immediately passed me Josephine and ran out to find Rose.

"WHAT?! What am i meant to do with the baby?!", I then nursed her in my arms. She was sound asleep. I then slowly walked in and past the bar to the back room. There I saw my father doing all the finances. He just looked at me funny, "can you take care of Josephine for me? Shhhhhhhh", I lowered her down into his arms. He just looked at me wanting an explanation, "this is Cathys best friends daughter. She went missing and now has turned up and left her here with us. Cathy ran out to go and find her", he just looked at me and then looked down at her.

"Ok", he croaked. I then smiled and made my way out and continued to serve customers.

Cathleen's Pov

I searched all the nearby streets and Central Park. There is no sign or trace of her. She simply had left Josephine with us and vanished. I can't blame her though. She's scared, frightened of what Cal would do to get her and Josie. That's why she dumped her and now is hiding. She got away. But having a baby would only slow her down. Plus she knows she isn't safe with us girls. I sat on a park bench and kept wondering and plundering my thoughts. Where would someone like Rose go if they were in this position? Where's her happy place? Where does she hang out in her free time?. After procrastinating enough about it. I retuned back to the bar.

"Any luck?", I then clinched to Christopher tightly. With a tear rolling down my face.

Roses Pov

I laid on a bench in Central Park surrounded by thick rose bushes. I just looked up and gazed at the stars like I did in the water.

"Come Josephine in my flying machine, going up she goes. Up she goes. Balance yourself like a bird on a beam", I then saw a great flash of light blind my eyes.

"Get up you filthy whore", Calendon, "you're coming back home with me. We are going to get married. We then we'll send your little rat away when she is old enough and we will have our own", he threw me in the car and slammed the door. Well at least Josephine is safe. That's all what matters. We then got home and he locked me in my bedroom. I then cried myself to sleep.

Making It Count (Titanic Rose fanfiction) part 1Where stories live. Discover now