My Quotes 1

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~ I've made up some quotes (I think should call them that, haha), so I thought I'd post them. I might use some of them in other chapters of this, depending on how applicable they are for each one.

You judge me. You live with me. But you don't know half of my life or what I go through.

You live my life for me, it's as good as not living.

Words unspoken are worth hearing.

Forgivness should never be taken lightly.

Our bridge was destroyed and a wall was built.

Fighting is the only way to survive.

Regret washes over me, like a tsunami.

Pain can only be taken away when we're not breathing

My hurricane of hatred keeps me away from you.

Scars shown can be healed. Deep ones can't.

My pain cuts so deep that one has never ventured.

Strength comes with hope.

Guilt is something that eats us all alive.

To feel pain and misery is to understand.

Everyone deserves a second chance.

The ground shook; everything crumbed. I was the only one left standing. Trapped in darkness, wishing and hoping for someone to find me.

~ Yeah, I know, some of them weren't completely true. You might not have understood what some of them meant... But what do you think of them? Yay or nay? Comment your thoughts about them! c:

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