The meeting with Dad (EDITED)

Start from the beginning

"I'm sorry Dad but the joke ain't that funny anymore..."

"Anyways, help that Harry Potter brat okay?"

"Fine! I'll protect that double souled kid... but he's kinda annoying."

"Nico? You haven't even met the kid? Why would you say that?"

Poor Will doesn't know the amount of paperwork I had to handle due to this kid. Dad let me help him with his job when it gets too hectic and once I stayed for hours due to this kid's issues. I had to gather information on the souls that were to be reaped at the fateful hours and write all of it for future reference.

"I got stuck doing mountains of dumb paperwork... which I totally adore and love doing!" I forgot Dad was here for a moment, so I gave him a quick grin to show I adore this stupid chore.

"You both are to go undercover and help Harry and fix some things Hecate wants to be fixed. This is going to change the futures of many people and you will save a lot of souls and time for me to handle. I believe you already know a few wizards we've sent there."

"WE DO? OH MY GOODNESS I KNOW WIZARDS? THAT IS FASCINATING!" Will looked shocked at the fact we know some wizards there, even though I clearly remember I told him everything.

"Um, haven't I told you about the undercover guys?"

"Oh yeah, you did! I needed to give a dramatic effect because this is about WIZARDS!"

What a drama king I'm dating! Welp, I signed up for this since the moment I first met him.

"I've asked Hecate to bless you two with protective magic and knowledge of that world which is to be known at only the crucial moments, that means you both still have to study hard over there, okay? You will be able to past any enchantments. Ask any of the undercover for assistance as required."

"Thanks, Lord Hades! We can manage with that."

"And you have an unlimited amount of money, after all, I am Hades, Lord of the Underworld... You can thank me anytime soon...Any minute now...As I said before, you boys are no fun!"

My Dad can be so childish sometimes its odd to think of this guy as the one that sends terror into every being he meets and is hailed as the God of Death.

"You'll be meeting an old friend of yours, son, and you will be free to waltz through those doors and have fun."

I got really excited when Dad said that as the only person that could be is Albus Dumbledore, the Headmaster of Hogwarts. That old man came by the Lotus Casino for some business and we sort of hit it off despite the age difference of 44 years. He just so happened to like Mythomagic as well and we managed to exchange cards and we basically had a blast. I didn't know he was a wizard until later.

"Ah, you mean Albus Dumbledore? This is going to be more fun than I thought!"

"He is?" Will did a head tilt and I think my Dad heard the screams in my head.

"That guy is someone I know from the LC period. You know the guy I said was the only dude I met who had a Zeus figure before they got made back then? Yeah, he's the headmaster there."

As I was about to continue about Albus to Will, Dad interrupted by giving us more info on the quest.

"Before you continue, I'll tell you some more things. You depart tomorrow morning and Hecate will assist you in your shopping for school supplies. You can get pets so Nico you might wanna take Minka with you."

Before Will asked, I told him about the cutie Minka and her siblings. They're the pups of our Cereberus and you know what's cuter than 1 pup? 3 pups with three heads each! But Will is much cuter than any puppy.

Hmm? Will is blushing? Why? Dad's even laughing this much? Oh no.

"I said that out loud, huh?"

Much to my embarrassment, Will nodded and Dad laughed a lot more. Oh well, it's true anyway so let's leave it at that. I dragged him to meet the pups after that ordeal.

Minka looks a lot like her mom, who was a golden version of Cereberus, so she's basically a three-headed golden retriever. And since I can speak to all creatures of the Underworld, she's also the one with the sweetest personalities. Her brothers were cute and all but Minka is my absolute favourite.

The moment I got there, all the four pups and their father bounded towards me. In less than 5 minutes, I was soaked in dog slobber much to my dislike but I had fun greeting the pups. Then I realized Will was watching me and the pups playing, I turned to see him turn a faint pink colour as he finds out he's been found out.

"I'm sorry but that was the cutest thing I've seen all day, besides your cute face when I kissed you."

Oh my goodness! Will is such a flirt and I don't know how much I can handle. I attempted to compose myself to introduce the pups, who have now formed a line for their introduction. And much to my amusement, Cereberus stood with them.

"Ahem... this one is Minka, then Lyre, Basil and Mikey and the biggest for last, Cereberus. This is Will, my boyfriend."

"Mikey? That isn't so greek?"

"Oh, that's because Dad had a TMNT obsession when we had Mikey."

Luckily, Dad wasn't here else he'd be furious his big secret was outed to Will.

"Anyone you want to take?"

Will played with the pups for a while and finally decided on Mikey.

"Why Mikey? His brothers look just like him, don't they?"

"Well, I felt he was a lot like you: adorable, soft and fluffy dark hair, and eyes that just may hold the universe."

His words were like an arrow to my heart! As much as I dislike Eros, I get why arrows are shot to make people fall for each other.

As I miserably attempted to cover up my blush, Minka and her brothers began to chant "Nico's boyfriend is so smooth!" and Mikey kept saying, "Nico looks so red! Minks, he looks like your toy!"

Will laughingly pulled apart my hands which were trying to hide my red face and pulled me out as I was slowly melting into a puddle and the two pups trailed behind us.

As soon as my Dad was visible, our hands separated much to my dismay.

"Boys, report to the Big House at 6 AM and Hecate will pick you both up. Got it?"

"Yeah, and could you just let Chiron tell the others I'll be gone for... how long again?"

"A year or more."

"Oh okay, so a year or more... HOLD UP! A year? Or more? Ugh fine."

"Don't look too down, son. I'll have my men pack for you and I'll let Chiron inform your camp. Get some rest and I'll see you two tomorrow."

Aw man, a year? Hazel and the rest are bound to be worried even if they know that. I won't really be able to meet them today either. Oh well... this is a problem for another day and future me.

I grabbed Will and the pups and shadow travelled right into my cabin. I gotta say my power has been a lot more steady these days and I haven't gone to China in a while. 

Will and I flopped onto my bed and the two pups made themselves comfy on another bunk. Thankfully Hazel is with Frank since her nightmares have gotten a bit worse else we couldn't cuddle together.

After all, Camp Half-Blood has no rules saying two guys can't be in a cabin together. Heh, beat that rules!

Nico Di Angelo is off to HogwartsWhere stories live. Discover now