Chapter Twenty Four: REVENGE

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Well, I'm back again, and I've come prepared, Here is the twenty fourth chapter, and I can not tell you how proud I am that I've actually made it this far without giving up completely. Well, thnx you for reading, and I hope you enjoy the last couple of chapters of this beautiful book created by moi. Well enjoy!!!

Oh and before I forget I'd just love to dedicate this chapter to @BlackRoseOfMercy, for being the first person ever to comment CONTINUE. Love you ma'am/sir for being awesome. w.-.^= .


Kitten Marie out.


Chapter Twenty Four: REVENGE


I crouched low on the ceiling above Jewels, circling him so I could find the perfect angle of attack.

Just as i was about to jump on him, the other boy glanced up and saw me. He seemed as if he could have blond hair, but it was now too dirty to identify.

His eyes, they were a different story. They were the iciest blue I had ever seen, they looked kind of familiar to me. I tried, but for the life of me I couldn't quite place where I had seen them before.

Something told me I'd be super pissed when I did....

Jewels turned to address the other boy, he followed the direction of where the boy was staring. His gaze slowly traveled upwards as he swirled around.

That gave me just enough time to silently slide to the other side of the room, landing on my feet as I sank back into the shadows.

"What are you staring at boy? Ain't nothin' up there." Jewels screamed at the boy, violently walking towards him.

"N-Nothing sir." The boy stuttered, his voice....

Is that....? It couldn't is he here? Is that him?

I shook the thought from my head, watching Jewels carefully as he got closer to the boy. A strange sense of possessiveness shot through me as he came closer to the boy. What the hell!?!

A sharp crack ran through the air, soon followed by a quiet whimper of pain. Anger birthed (lolz) through me, I leaped from my corner and landed silently behind Jewels.

"Shut up boy! You're worse than that fairy I bought you from!" Jewels yelled in the boy's face, bringing his hand back to slap him again.

Before he could bring his hand down, I caught it at the wrist. I held on to it, I squeezing hard enough to break his wrist but refrained from doing so.

"You really shouldn't have done that." I seethed, a deranged smirk growing on my face when he began to shake.

"Let go of me! Where the hell did you come from!?! This is none of your fuckin' buisness!" He yelled, trying and failing to keep the fear from his voice.

He tried to jerk his arm from me, but little did he know that I was way stronger than he thought I'd be.

I wrapped his arm around his back and threw him up against the wall. I pressed my body into his back, bringing my face closer to his ear.

"Let's get something straight, this is every bit of my business. You took some people that don't belong to you, and now you must pay. I am stronger than you, there's nothing you can do that could mortally wound me."

I wrenched his arm back about an inch, earning a scream of pain. My smirk grew wider as began to cry.

"Now, you have two options. 1: Give me both of the boys and you go to jail with less injuries. 2: You fight, I still take both boys, you go to the hospital, and then to jail."

He shivered, "is there a third option?"

I chuckled, allowing myself to play with his mind, "of course there is."

He seemed to brighten a little at that, "really?"

"Yeah, there always is."

"Well? What is it then!?!" He was rather impatient, which pricked my anger, but I let it slide. Just this once.

My smirk turned into a Chelsea Grin as I replied.

"You die and I still leave with both boys." I laughed at the sagging of his shoulders and the cry he solicited.

"Fuck you!!" He shouted.

I paused, unsure of how to answer that. For a second I just stood there, unsure of what to say next.

"Is that your final answer?"

He remained silent, turning his head to the opposite direction. Was he really this stupid or is it just today?

I nodded to myself, then dropped him to his knees. He still managed to remain silent, only flinching at the sharp impact of his knees against the tile floor.

"Any last words?" I asked, cracking my knuckles and rolling my neck as he kneeled there.

I was going to enjoy this.

"I hope you all burn in hell, especially the bitch in the corner! All of you deserve to be dead, the blond whore even more so!"

He sounded so bitter, but something he said bugged me.

"You seem to not like him very much, who is he?"

"He's no one, just some boy I bought from some guy. Can't remember his name, but he said he was all about that at a cat sue key life....or something of the sort...."

My blood ran cold.

I slowly turned to look at the tiny blonde boy huddled against Jared. I took in his attire, his appearance, him in general.

Then it clicked.



A/N: Sowwy it's so short, but I'm unsure a to what I should write for the next chapter. :/ Here's what I was thinking:

1: There's a huge fight scene between Jewels and Sasuke.

2: Sasuke just beats up Jewels and leaves him there unconscious.

3: There is no fight scene and Jewels gets taken to jail unscathed.

4: Jewels escapes, but Sasuke manages to keep the boys out of harms way.

So much confusion....but anyways, comment what you think should happen, or what you want to happen.

I will post the scores for each one daily, and will end the voting on May 8th, 2014. The one with the most votes will be the one I write, and the one with the least votes will go in the second book of this ongoing series. :)

Well TTFN (ta ta for now :) )

Kitten Marie out.

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