Chapter Four: Waking Up

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Hey guys, here's chapter four for you. Here's where you find out if Jared is dead or not, will he be able to be alive and have Louis as his? Lets find out!! :) hope you enjoy reading us just as much as I do writing it!! ;)

Here ya go! :) :D


Chapter Four: Waking Up


When my eyes opened, I was blinded with whiteness. It was everywhere, the ceiling, the walls in my peripheral vision. Oh god, I'm dead!! No, I'm only 18, I can't be dead. Then the events from yesterday came crashing back all at once, knocking the breath out of me. At the very end of it all, a face I didn't register appeared in my vision.

I had never seen his face before, I'm not even sure if I know his name. Though I don't know him in any way, shape or form, I was still enchanted by his beautiful crimson eyes. His eyes just sucked me in, making me want him to see the depths of my soul.

His eyes alone make me want to just hold his gaze and disappear forever. My gaze landed in his hair. It was as black as oil for one of those oil pens thy used in the old times. His hair was kind of like mine, but instead of snow white streaks his were a bright crimson.

His cheekbones were perfect, not to high and not too low. His cheeks were a natural rosy color, and had orange freckles sprinkled all over them. His nose was just the right size, not too big and not too wide. It wasn't too high on his face or squished all weirdly onto his face. His lips, oh my god his lips.

His lips were just the right size and just the perfect shape. His bottom was full, with his top lip being about half that. His lips were a natural red color, almost as if he died them that way. His lips looked and probably were kissable.

Wait! What?! When did i start fangirling over a guy I didn't even know? Well barely know, I've probably known him for about what? Two, three minutes? Maybe four? Well, can you really blame me? He's gorgeous. I'm not even sure I remember his name, yet I can't get enough of him? Suddenly, a whisper of a name drifted through my head. I recognized it immediately.

Louis Ford.

The name of my savior. The name of the guy I knew I was in love with, but couldn't figure out how that was possible. Is fate real? Is love at first sight and all that other stuff true? Do soulmates really exists? Ughh, why does the world have to be so complicated?

Before I could sort my feelings, a door opened and the smell of urinals and death overwhelmed my nostrils. Why did it smell like death in heaven? Huh, maybe I'm in hell. Then a nurse walked in with a clipboard in hand, and gave a startled yelp

When she saw I was awake.

"You're awake." She gave me fake smile and began to check my vitals or something like that.

"How long have I been dead?" I asked, still thinking I was dead.

"I can assure you you're not dead." She said with a startled expression on. "You've been in a coma for about a week." Then I realized I was in a hospital and not in heaven, hell or anywhere in between (if that exists).

Well this is awkward.

"I was in a coma?" I asked, confused.

"Yep, those guys really did a number on you, you're lucky your friend here got to you when he did. If not you'd be dead right now." She nodded to the sleeping figure slumped over in a chair.

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