Chapter Twenty Three: The Plan Failed Us

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Well herro there everyone, here's another glamorous chapter, hope you enjoy it!!!! Oh and no don't recommendations for this one. x 3 Well,enjoy.

Kitten Marie out.


Chapter Twenty Three: The Plan Failed Us


I sighed in relief as I finally reached my stupid car. Would someone please remind me why I parked it so far away in the first place!?!

I grunted to myself while unlocking the door, shoving the bloke into the back seat. After administering a string of curses directed at the man, I slammed the door shut and climbed into the driver's seat.

I didn't bother with putting on my seatbelt as I sped off towards the hospital. What? You think I'm taking him to get treatment!?! Ahahahahahah wait wait wait, ahahahahahahaha. Wheew your funny you know that right!!

I drove towards the hospital, but turned left instead of right. Instead of going to the hospital's E.R. sliding glass doors, I drove to the abandoned building across the street from it.

You see? I'm a VERY smart man so I plan, I bide my time, and I wait for the perfect opportunity to take [some] action. They all thought I was stupid, thought I was crazy. Oh ho ho I'm gonna show them. They thought they could just fire me!?! thought they could just get the cops to arrest me and put me on parole? I'll show them....

I'll show them all.


I, unskillfully, dragged the man to the elevator. There was no way in hell I was going to drag him up sixteen flights of stairs. Hell no. I pushed the button repeatedly, tapping my foot with impatience as I waited for the elevator to come down.

When it finally arrived, I dragged him on, and pressed floor number sixteen. After about waiting a minute or two, the doors screeched shut. The elevator started to move up, and a loud bang sounded from above. Me being the smart guy I am ignored it, seeing as this was in fact a very old building. It's completely normal for things to crash, groan, and moan at random intervals. I pay no attention to it, that's just what old buildings do.

The elevator stopped on my floor and the doors slowly screeched open. It sounded like a banshee, (A/N: They wail for the dead, commonly known to be female, but there are male banshees as well.), with a sore throat.

I dragged him halfway down the hall, stopping in front of room 143. I took out the key and unlocked the door, at first it didn't budge, but after a little force it was open. I dragged him all the way across the apartment, towards the back and into the last room. I threw him down on the ground, right next to where Jared should have been.

"JARED!!!!" I yelled, there was a quiet whimper to my right. When i glanced over he was huddled against the wall, next to the other boy who was given to me.

"Bitch you got ten seconds to get your ass over here and help me tie him up!!" I threatened, he slowly slid away from the boy and turned towards me.

He looked confused about something, but my patience was growing thin.

"Boy!! You better get to tiein' or I'll show you what for!" My voice went animalistic, but he still didn't move.

"W-what man?" He whispered.

I walked over to him, grabbed him up by his hair and slapped him across his face.

"Are you being smart with me boy!?!"

"N-no sir....b-but there's no m-man behind you."

Irritated, I swung us around, about to throw him at the unconscious P.I. but the boy was right.

The man had disappeared.

"Where did he go!?! You come out here right now!!" I screamed, irritation piercing me before the fear struck.

Fear? I couldn't possibly be afraid of some bimbo who thinks he's Mr. Billy Badass.

"You should be afraid." A voice came from every where, yet no where. Almost as if it were a ghost.

I shook in my frame, but I wouldn't let him know that I was already afraid of 'em.

"Look asshole-"

"No you look. You took someone that belongs with a friend of mine, and you're going to give him back. Both of them."

Who does he think he is, coming in here and bossing me around? Telling me what to do, he can't be serious?

"I will do no such thing! Jared belongs to me, I had him first! The other boy belongs to me as well! I was rightly owed, and the other person chose to give me him as compensation. You can't have either of them, you might as well just stop wasting your time now."

To my surprise, he chuckled. Scratch that, he straight up laughed a nice, hardy laugh as if he were really amused.

"What's so funny?"

"You are."

Before I could yell at him more, he began to chuckle. Then he spoke again.

"You're not as smart as you think you are. I've been following you for the past what hour? Hour and a half? You should really work on your detection skills."

"What? That's preposterous!" That's ridiculous, he couldn't possibly have been following.

"Oh em gee he used a big word!!!! Everyone clap for the big boy."

I ignored his mockery, "you were unconscious in the backseat the whole time."

"You truly are clueless. The person you think you took wasn't me, it was a clone of me. Couldn't you tell that something was up when 'I' just let you so easily catch me. Please don't flatter yourself, I've seen lower level demons badder than you are."

I'll admit my ego was bruised, but I was not backing down.

"If you want them you'll have to take them by force, I'm willing to fight you."

He chuckled, "you'll have to find me first."

Ah shit.


A/N: Well hired you guys liked it, and omg TWO updates in a row!!!! After being gone for years, I feel obligated to apologize in advance, so this is my gift to you.

With Love,


Kitten Marie out.

The Abandoned & The Lost: Jared's Story (Boy x Boy) (Completed)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora