Chapter Nine: Finally

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A/N: Listen to Same Love by Macklemoore afterwards. :) :) :) :) Enjoy.


Chapter Nine: Finally

Jared's P.O.V

I stared at him for a moment contemplating and processing this. Was this real? Did he really just ask me to be his boyfriend, was this some kind of sick joke? Is he playing me as if I were some toy? I realized I still haven't given him an answer, he was fidgeting and glancing around nervously.

"Its okay if you don't feel the same way, I'll understand." He whispered out quietly, looking defeated and deflated at the same time.

It was then I realized my decision, then I realized he would never do that to me. He's not the type of person to do that someone, so I did the thing I've been wanting to do since I woke up in the hospital with him right next to me.

I crushed my lips onto his, climbing on top of him as I did so.

Oh my god it was amazing, better than I thought it would be like.

Picking up a newborn puppy for the first time at six years old is what his lips felt like. His lips molded to mine, like a puzzle piece. He felt like his lips were made just for me, a perfect fit for the perfect kiss.

The kiss was slow and passionate, not rushed or impatient. There was enough heat to make me shudder in pleasure, causing him to do the same. I realized something then, something VERY important.

My first kiss!! I'm having my first kiss and it feels amazing, plus it's with the one I love. How could something that brought sinful thoughts to my head feel so d*** good. I moaned into his mouth and his arms tightened around me, our bodies molding together as if we were one person.

He laid me on my back and leaned over me, never once breaking the kiss. We laid there for a few hours, kissing and talking about nothing but everything.

We stood and walked to a meadow that sat just behind his house, we arrived hand-in-hand about a minute before the sun would set. We sat down, him at my back, arms wrapped around my waist. I leaned back into his chest, relishing in his touch.

We watched the sunset and decided we didn't feel like getting up, so we spent all night pointing out star constellations. We gave each other stars that shined the brightest and were closest together.

I'm not sure when I feel asleep, but I do remember being carried somewhere and laid on a soft surface. I remember snuggling into the warmest arms in the whole freakin' world and loving every minute of it.

Tonight I slept better than I have in forever, especially since I feel asleep in my love's arms.


I woke up around seven in the morning, god f***in' d***** I hate waking up so d*** early 'cause then I can't go back to sleep. Oh well, I'll just have deal with it. I began to stretch or so I tried, something was hindering my movements. What? Who the heel is in my room and how did they get in, the door was supposed to be locked!?! I looked over to find a clump of black red streaked hair, then everything came creasing back and I smiled.


My love.

I wrapped my arms around him, pulling him flush up against me. He is so gorgeous when he sleeps, his lips are slightly posted and a barely audible snow is slithering through the part. He had the most gorgeous bed hair, it's all disheveled and in random curly clumps. Awww I just want to run my fingers through it :) .

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