Chapter Sixteen: Preparing For Our Little Bundle of Joy

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No song references for this chapter....sorry.... Whateves, enjoy.


Chapter Sixteen: Preparing For Our Little Bundle of Joy


After setting up a series of appointments and dates for ultra sounds and check-ups, Louis decided to go to the store and start buying baby stuff. We are having boys, so everything is going to be baby blue and lime green.

The babies were going to love it.

Oh did I forget to mention that part? Silly me, I'm just so forgetful these days. Yeah, we're going to have twins!!

Yes I know it also means twice the work, but also twice the adorableness (yes I know its not a word but I'm a rebel so ;) ).

Well I'm home alone and not sure what a pregnant man is supposed to do. I guess the answer to that would be to sit in the couch surrounded by tubs and tubs of caramel praline crunch froyo, with the T.V. turned to boomerang watching Flapjack and Bubby mess with Knuckles.

I know what you're thinking: what if a grown man like me doing watching a kids show? I'll have you know that, The Misadventures of Flapjack happens to be my favorite show of all time.

Sure some might disagree, but I love the show. I remember the episode when Flapjack and Knuckles went in search of Candy Island, drank the sea water, and pretended to see Candy Island. Of course we all know that it was actually Pickle Island they'd washed up on, but it was funny watching them get so happy.

Haha I know it's stupid, but I'm a little kid at heart so suck it :p.

Three Seasons of T.M.O.F. Later....

Louis' P.O.V.

"Baby?" I called, shutting the door with my foot.

No answer....

"Babe?" I called, seeing the bags down on the counter.

'No need to panic, calm down, level your breathing,' I told myself, I just got home, maybe he's sleeping or something.

I ran up the stairs and into our bedroom to find it empty, the need was missing it's blankets and pillows. There were clothes on the floor, drawers left open with clothed hanging out of them.

What the hell happened in here?

I walked to the bathroom and almost fainted.

All the stuff from the sink counters was on the bathroom floor, there was a red pinkish liquid on the floor and there was a pile of clothes in front of the toilet.

I warily walked over to the pile of clothes, and picked up the shirt there.

The front of it was stained with a pinkish liquid along with the white skinny jeans under them.

Wait, these are Jared's clothes. What the hell!?!

No. no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no. This can NOT be happening, no he has to be here somewhere. I refuse to go there with myself, Jared is absolutely fine, I will find him in this house some where.

I searched through room after room after room, losing my resolve centimeter by centimeter every time I found the room to ne empty. There was only one other place he could go, and unfortunately it was my last hope.

The movie room.

Taking in a deep breath, I put my hand on the door knob and twisted. The door creaked open, barely making a squeak. I stepped into the room and gasped.


A/N:  Cliffhanger!!!! Don't worry I hate me too, cliffhangers are stupid and mean, but I had to I'm not quite sure how to right the part after this, so I have to think for awhile. Anyways hope you guys enjoyed this one, and hope you enjoy the next one. Lots of love to my peeps still reading this story.

Y'all's forever and always,


P.S. Anybody else out there like Escape The Fate!?!?! That is my band!!!!!!!! (Choose your fate = my favorite song by them).

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