chapter 2

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"You're an incredible songwriter," I complimented. We had only been assigned to our duet for a week but we had become almost inseparable. Every night after school we were together at one of our houses until one of us had to leave. I always felt a longing for a little romance, but I loved our instant friendship, so I let it go for now.

"It's Friday. Wanna stay at my house?" Tyler asked as we walked outside for lunch.

"Sure," I answered. "We can work on some of our song."

Though we had been assigned to a typical, fluffy love song belonging in a chick-flick, Tyler and I had consulted Mr. Floyd and decided to write our own. Combining a song he had written called Tear in my Heart and one I had written seemed to be the best option.

So far, all we had was:
Tyler: Sometimes you gotta bleed to know, that you're alive and have a soul. But it takes someone to come around to show you how she's the tear in my heart
Me: I know what it's like to fall in love, yes really, I do, and it hurts to say it but, I think I'm in love with you.

We had spent the majority of our afternoons practicing the duet that had been assigned, and only one afternoon actually writing. But still, I was impressed with what we had gotten done.

"Hey, guess what! I have a surprise for you!" Tyler said, grinning. "I talked to Mr. Floyd and we get to be the final act!"

"No way!" I squealed, pulling him into a hug. "Thank you Tyler!" As I pulled away from the hug, I was grinning and he was blushing. That adorable face got me every single time.

I was thrilled! The finale spot is what everyone wanted. It was either a huge success (although no one had yet received a standing ovation) or a total flop. Either way, I was excited and couldn't stop smiling!

I could not help but grin, just from seeing how happy she was. Her sweet face, her adorable personality. I could barely hold back my crush on her. This love song would be the perfect opportunity for me to make my move! And she was such an amazing singer...

"Tyler, we are going to ROCK!" she exclaimed, still beaming with cheerfulness. "It's going to be the best act that anyone has ever seen!"

"Yeah it is!" I replied happily, high-fiving her. Within an instant, the bell rang. She looked disappointed.

"I'll see you in music." She walked away, muttering about how cute I was.

"I know I am!" I yelled. She turned to me, with the most embarrassed and shocked look I've ever seen and ran away. I started laughing.

I thought she was cute too.

A/N: yes I wrote Y/N's part (with whatever lyrics came to my head so probably unoriginal). The lyrics for TIMH may not be in order. And pick whatever tune but they are supposed to mesh together.

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