The ultimate prank

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I laid on the floor covered in pie's.  I slowly move and wipe myself off. Slendy stands near me laughing.

"So many pies"

Slendy:  i always win prank day. Now go wash off y/n.

I walk to the bathroom and take a shower. It was only after i finished did i realize i had no clothes to wear.

Why, of all days why is today that day i have no clothes!?!?

I peek into the hallway and i spot jackie.

This will be awkward.

"Jackie! "

She stops and walks over.

Jackie: what do you want?

" i need you to do me a huge favor!"

Jackie: hmmm, ok. But in return you'll owe me.

"Fine whatever, go back to my house and grab me clothes from my dresser."

Jackie: alright, i'll be back in a few.

She leaves as i sit in the restroom. Then i hear knocking.

"Who is it?"

Ann: its me ann. I need to use the restroom.

"Uh...can you wait? Please"

Ann: i'll try, i drank a large soda a few minutes ago so o don't know how long i can.

I hear her walk away. Then i hear another knock.

"I'm busy!"

Reaper: hurry up!! I need shower.

"Well your gonna need to wait, i have a problem to deal with. "

Reaper: and that would be?

"I don't have any spare clothes."

Reaper:  wow, if any of the girls found out they would-

Jess: y/n doesn't have clothes!!!!

Soon all of the girls are around the bathroom door trying to get a peek at me.

Reaper: lock the door y/n!! I will be back!

I hear him teleport leaving me to fend foe myself.

1 hour later

After an hour of girls trying to break in jackie finally comes back. I get changed and walk out.

" looks like no one is getting a peek today."

They all frown and start to walk away until they all stop dead in there tracks.  Then they all pull out there weapons.

"What is it?"

Slendy:  zalgo

She was just floating in the air with a smile

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She was just floating in the air with a smile. I could feel the fear coming from every one.

Zalgoi finally found you all. Now i can finally finish you off.

Every one gets ready to fight. Suddenly zalgo starts laughing.

Zalgo: right after i laugh my ass off!

In a puff of smoke zalgo turns into reaper,  laughing while hovering.

Reaper: i pranked all of you!!

Every one lets out sighs of relief as reaper keeps on laughing.

Reaper: i'm the King of prank day!!!

Female Creepypasta X Male readerWhere stories live. Discover now