If You Can See I'm The One Who Understands You

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"I'm sorry, baby, you know, I didn't want to right. I love you so much and I know how awful it is being alone and I should have called you but I didn't. I know how much you hate being alone and I should have done something, I was just really busy and it slipped my mind to check on you. And if you are ever alone then just call me, no matter what time or what place I will always be there for you," she comforted, leaning upwards to kiss his forehead to soothe him and make him feel better.

"I don't want to intrude on your life, Cait. You can't be with me every second of every day and I understand why you can't call me and why you couldn't the last couple of days. I'm not that important... It's okay to forget about me... I don't mind..." he trailed off sadly.

"You know that's not the case. You are so important to me, more important than anyone in my life. And I promise that I didn't forget you. I couldn't stop thinking about you the last couple of days. I've missed you so much and it killed me to not be with you all the time. I was just so tired with all the school stuff and college stuff and the valedictorian speech and everything going on that I just fell asleep as soon as I hit my pillow. And I wanted to see you so badly. But I'm here now and I'm not going anywhere. And once this is all over and we are sharing our own room in college I will be with you even more. We will be living together and everything will be perfect," she reassured, realising how her original statement sounded.

"I know it's stupid to get all insecure about something so juvenile and trivial but I can't help it. I just hate the idea of waking up one day and realising that I have no one. No parents, no family, no friends. No you. And being alone just reminds me of that. It makes me feel like that's going to happen. I can't imagine life without you in it and I don't want to. It just feels wrong. I just feel so insecure that everything and everyone I have ever loved will leave me. I don't I can live my life without you in it. And I didn't think it would be this hard for us and making us work with all of our schoolwork would be easy but it's not. It's really not. And I just wish things could still be simple so we wouldn't have to worry about anything other than making us work..." he explained dejectedly, blushing a little at how stupid and sad and immature he thought he was being.

Caitlin nodded in understanding. She didn't think that it was stupid, she thought that it was perfectly valid and she understood how he felt. It made sense. And now all she had to do was prove to him that she would never leave him. 

"Bar, I would never leave you. Not for the whole world. I love you and I am here to stay. I told you that you are everything to me and I will never leave you alone. Not voluntarily, at least. I am in this forever, you and I. We never said that this would be easy but that's okay because as long as we can come home to each other every day then it will make all the hard work and sacrifices worth it. I know we are going to have to work at this every day and I know that it will be really hard but I want to make this work and I will do anything to do so. I want you and you want me. I need you and you need me. I love you and you love me. You are my soulmate and I m your soulmate. And that's all we need to make this work. I love you, Bar, and I always have and always will," she assured, warming his heart as they gazed at each other lovingly.

"I love you too, Caity. I always have and I always will," he replied softly, his anxiety and worry and doubt all faded away from her beautiful words. He had always been an insecure person but hearing the love of his life by his side telling him that they would make it make his insecurities settle for now. Even if it wasn't forever, he kne wthat he could count on her to be there for him again to settle them again and vice versa if she ever felt that way too. He would be right here for her as long as she needed him. Just as much as she had done for him.


Soon enough their food arrived and while eating they watched The Dark Knight as they cuddled. The Joker had always creeped Caitlin out but she still loved the character and the movie. It was one of her and Barry's favourite movies of all time. But Barry was there to comfort her at any time she felt scared. Movies had always done something to her. Some kind of effect. They always felt so real to her like she was living them herself. She knew that this was totally proposterous and silly but she couldn't help it. Barry, however, had always found it ridiculously cute.

Once the movie had ended, they gazed at each other for a moment. The time was about eleven PM so now was the perfect time to take the evening to the bedroom like she had planned. Slowly but surely, they both leaned in and soon enough their lips collided in a passionate and heated kiss. They pulled away for a moment and nodded at each in confirmation of what they both wanted to happen and reconnected their lips.

Caitlin couldn't get enough of him. And he certainly couldn't get enough of her, trailing his lips up and down her neck and jawline causing her to let out a soft moan in his ear. She pulled his head away from her neck and anchored his lips back down to hers and he slowly pushed her down on the sofa so he was hovering over the top if her still tangled in their kiss.

She wrapped her legs around his waist and with one single swift movement, he picked her up so he could walk up the stairs to his room with her legs around his waist and arms wrapped around his neck. Whilst his arms were encircled around her waist still entangled in their passionate kiss.

It didn't take long for them to be in his bedroom pressed together on the bed with the door securely closed behind them as they pulled off each other's clothes.

He pulled away after catching a glimpse of the lingerie she had bought specially for tonight. She found it incredibly difficult to hide her smile at the sight of his eyes darkening at the sight of it and she knew she had done a good job in picking her outfit for tonight. Slowly, as to tease him more, she slipped down the straps of the lingerie dress and showing what it was shielding underneath. They quickly removed what was left of their clothing and began the night that they had in store. A night of apology, love, passion and desire. Nothing more and nothing less.

You Belong With Me- Snowbarry AUTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang