Hey What You Doing With A Girl Like That

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Caitlin woke up with a smile, remembering the events of last night, and let out a little squeal of joy before turning her head to see her sleeping companion. His arms were wrapped tightly around her waist so he could spoon her. Blushing and smiling, he changed her position so her head was lying on his chest and his arms were still around her. She leant up slightly to kiss his jaw then closed her eyes and snuggled further into him.

She remembered what happened last night and how amazing it was. They were both nervous but that did not stop last night from being amazing and perfect. It was the best night of her life and not only had they consummated their love and relationship, they had also become a couple. She had been waiting for this moment for so long and now that it had finally happened it all felt so surreal. She let one hand trail up and dow his bare chest, blushing as she did so at how firm it was, and letting the other run up and down his forearm. stopping at his hand on her waist and clutched it.

It wasn't long until she heard groans underneath her and she opened her eyes and watched as his fluttered open and a smile grew on his face at the sight of her. He made her heart fluttered at the way he looked dreamily as if she was the most precious thing in the world.

"Last night was real, wasn't it? It wasn't a dream. It was all real," he mumbled, leaning down slightly to kiss the top of her head. "I love you,"

"I love you too," she replied, placing a soft kiss on his chest before tugging him closer to cuddle with her, even more, revelling in the feeling of his arms protectively around her and never wanting to leave ever again. "Last night was perfect, thank you," she whispered.

"You don't need to thank me, it was perfect for me too. And I'm so glad that we got together last night because I want to be with you so badly and I am so sorry that I broke your heart for all these years. I wish I realised how I feel a long time ago so we could be together sooner and I wouldn't have unknowingly broke your heart over and over. I'm so sorry, Cait. I didn't mean to hurt you, I was never my intention..." tears welled up in his eyes making them glisten.

"Shhh, you don't need to apologise. You're here now and that's all that matters. I am okay with all of that now because it led us to right here in this moment. The waiting was more than worth it, we're together now and the past doesn't matter anymore.I forgive you so don't beat yourself up about it. It wasn't your fault because you didn't know and I should have told you sooner. I know you didn't mean to, you didn't do it on purpose and I don't care about that anymore. we are together and now we can move forward. We have both done things we regret so don't take it all out on yourself," she assured softly with a smile. He pressed her further against him as a reply and they held each other even closer as a silent apology and confession of love to each other.

It wasn't long until they eventually got dressed and went down the stairs hand in hand to get themselves some breakfast but found Caitlin's parents sitting at the breakfast table with the morning paper. They both blushed and they knew what was about to happen.

"I see you two had fun last night," Caitlin's mother commented, raising a teasing eyebrow at them making them blush crimson. "I'm just kidding but it's great that you two finally got together. We always kne wthat it would happen someday," she continued with a smile. Nervously, Caitlin smiled at her mother a little and tugged Barry's hand and walked into the kitchen to make them some food.

"We can just eat in my room. It will save the awkward conversation with my parents," Caitlin stated, grabbing some breakfast food from the cupboards. after making the food, they walked out of the kitchen to progress back up to her room but was stopped by her parents.

"Did you use protection?" 

"Yes, of course we did," Caitlin replied embarrassingly, blushing crimosn red all over again along with Barry and biting on her lower lip. She suddenly felt very uncomfortable, no they both did, at her parents question and comments. They could not help but feel like this was an interrogation. It was quite unnerving really. They knew that there would be questions asked but they had no idea that the questions would be at all this personal or like this. 

You Belong With Me- Snowbarry AUDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora