Day 1 Chu 😙 ( jungkook )

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A.n. sorry for the late update guys :(
But anyway this chapter will have a smut still xD i warned you guys okay~

And ohmy it's still day1 i'm gonna have hard time thinking of new ideas xD but since you guys have those what you  suggested me , i'll try to use those for the remaining dayss

Aynway enough of me xD enjoy the chapter

Third person POV

"Jiminie hyung how about me?" Jungkook said

Jimin was still in taehyung's lap and dazed from what he and taetae did.
Slowly jungkook went closer to jimin and grabbed jimin's face.

Taehyung was just sitting there watching his younger brother who was about to kiss jimin like it was the most normal thing to watch, when suddenly

"You guys Come down here! , help us with the groceries!" Jin said, as they just got home.

"Tsk..." jungkook clicked his tongue obviously annoyed at the timing of his hyung

"NE HYUNG! come on guys, let's go down" taehyung said as he smirked at jungkook

Jimin got off of taehyung's lap, and jimin was just standing there still thinking of the kiss while taehyung already went out of the room.

After feeling more relaxed, he was about to exit the room when suddenly jungkook grabbed his wrist

Jimin POV

I was surprised by jungkook suddenly grabbing my wrist

"J-jungkookie?? What's w-wrong?"

Jungkook then closed the door and pushed my back against it with

'Click...' i heard the door locked

Third person POV

"K-kookie yah... w-what is i-" jimin said but suddenly was cut off by jungkook kissing him so roughly

"Hmphff... Ahh.. ahh ..kookie-ahh.." jimin moaned

"Jiminie you're being unfair, when tae hyung asked for a kiss you gave it to him but to me you don't?" Jungkook said

"B-but ..jin hyung c-called us...ahhm!"
Jimin replied and was surprised as jungkook grabbed his ass.
(A.n. no one can resist the jibooty xD)

" j-just did ahh..." jimin sad as jungkook continued to grab his jibooty

"But i was the one who did it jiminie~,
i want you to be the one who kiss me" jungkook pouted acting like taehyung

Even if jungkook was still groping his butt jimin thought that jungkook was cute pouting.

"k-kookie ahh~, a-after i k-kiss you, promise..ahhmm, that we'll..ahh, go down after?.." jimin said having a hard time not moaning ehich he obvously failed xD

"Ne jiminie~" jungkook replied
"Yah! Call me hyung" jimin said

"Okay... hyungie~"

Jimin cupped jungkook's face with his small hands when he saw jungkook opened his mouth with his tongue out

"K-kookie yah close your mouth.." jimin said

"You kissed tae hyung like that, i knew it you have your favourites..." jungkook exclaimed

(A.n. seriously this kookieee xD)

"N-no!... O-okay i'll do it..." jimin replied
after that they returned to what they were doing...

Jimin was seriously blushing so hard but he still went closer and when the distance closed... they were now kissing...

"Ahhhm....kookie ahh... hmpffaa... ahhhmm.." jungkook was having the time of his life

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