※ Day 9 - Flowers & Butterflies ※

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Today, I’m looking at these things

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Today, I’m looking at these things... of things that resembles you and I.

Staring at flowers and butterflies;
I remembered us and how we used to be...
I remembered you and me.

You were always there and I have felt things like a flower probably should,
With butteflies flying all around,
I blossomed like a rose- spreading scent like a midnight bloomer could,
Bloomed like any flower would,
I thought my scent won’t fade,
And my petals won’t ever get depleted..
But time had been so unkind.

The once fresh flower...
withered and scent diminished!

You have avoided me like a bee would to a spider,
Retreated like a soldier defeated...
I have never felt so betrayed!

Seeing you in the arms of another,
Like a butterfly flying to another flower…

Love, truly can sometimes be so cruel!

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